Peni's Universe

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"I'll figure it out." Peni stated as she looked at the spider sitting on the desk a small smile slipping from her lips. Her senses alerted her to something and she turned just in time to see a portal open in her lab. The excitement rolled off her in waves as she waited to see who stepped out.

Ham sort of flopped out of the portal not landing gracefully at all as he slid along the ground before stopping in front of Peni. A smile covered the pigs features as he got to his feet and looked around the area.

"Heya." Peter stated as Peni picked up the multicolored pig enveloping him in a hug. The sounds of boots made the thirteen year old look up seeing the monochrome spider coming out of the portal before it closes.

"Noir." Peni says rushing forward and hugging the other spider. "What brings you guys here?"

"We wanted to see how you were holding up." Noir informed as Peni looked over to the partly taken apart mecha. "What happened?" Noir asked as he moved over to the machine that lay on the ground.

"We got into a fight with the rhino and he kind of...won..." Peni informed as Noir looked at Ham before moving back over to where the thirteen year old stood. "I need to get it fixed so I can get back out there." Ham glanced up at Noir before smiling.

"How about we take out for a little patrol? Cause by the looks of it you could use a break." Peni stared at the two of them for a few moments before nodding. Taking Noir's hand, she guided him out of the shed. Ham turned scooping up the spider and placing it on his head before rushing after the other two.

"Your going to have to tell us where to go." Noir said as he helped Peni onto his back. Wrapping her arms around the man's shoulders and using her powers to hold on she allowed him to throw out a web swinging up into the air. The city was buzzing as flying cars flew past and other mecha's flew around none nearly as nice as Peni's. The buildings were different colors, constantly changing and shifting as mecha officers patrolled the area. Holograms floated off the screens behind them giving the illusion of someone being present.

"How do you get anything done?" Noir asked as Peni looked at the man. "There are so many officers here."

"We kind of have an agreement." Peni informed as she heard Porker raises an eyebrow. How you can hear someone raise an eyebrow, she doesn't know must be a toon thing. "I help them out to keep the mecha's up and running and they let me help the city out." Peni stated as Noir nodded. He didn't really get it, but he trusted the young girl, he swings up above the cars as the pig follows after and they landed on the top of a building.

"This is where we watch over the city." Peni pointed out as she walked over to Ham and took the spider from him. Noir walked to the edge of the building looking down at the cars and people below. In truth it looked like a normal New York it had the same sense of home, the same loud noises, the same people who were occupied with themselves than anything else. Porker was beside him a few seconds later, along with Peni as the scanned the world below them.
"It's beautiful." Noir whispered. "It's so alive."

"Not that alive." Peni responded as she pointed up above her, getting the attention of the two other spiders. "You see that." There were no lights, no stars that littered the grey sky just a smog filled world. "That's smog. That's what we've done here, we've polluted the air so bad that most people walk around with masks." Peni stated.

"Could be worse." Noir pointed out getting the girl to give him a curious look.


"Well, your city seems to be pretty happy. My city doesn't even have that." Noir admitted as Peni froze, staring at the other for a few moments.

"We should probably keep patrolling." Ham stated breaking up the awkward silence that was starting to form. Peni snapped out of her thoughts for a few moments before nodding, placing the spider back on Ham's head. Noir offered her his hand as she climbed on his back and they swung off the building with silence. The mechs veered around them as they swung the silence filling the air. A scream cut through the air as Noir grabbed the edge of the closest building, and scanned the area around them. Ham landed just above him as he pulled out a pair of binoculars, searching for the source of the scream.
"There!" Peni pointed down to an alley as the three spidermen swung over, landing on the ground. Peni slipped off Noir's back, sprinting down the alley as they came upon a woman sitting on the ground, tears rolling down her eyes. "Hey. You okay?" The woman nodded. "What happened?"

"Rhino's goons, they took my purse and my phone." The woman said as Peni helped the woman to her feet. She gazed at the two other spiders as they watched on just to the side before she turned running away from them.

"If I had my mech, that wouldn't have happened." Peni muttered. Noir moved to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Bad things happen. You can't stop them all, your just one person."

"I'm spiderman. It's my job to try and I can't even try!" Peni screamed before looking at Noir as the man reached up removing his goggles and mask.


"I'm sorry..."

"Nothing to be sorry about, little one. Your angry and you want to help." Noir stated.

"I've got an idea." Ham spoke up getting the other two's attention. "We are here, how about we help you fix up the mech real quick. If we need help, we can call the others." Ham suggested as Noir glanced at Peni who gave a small nod.
So as of today this series will officially be completed.

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