Porker's Universe

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Gwen swore to god if she fell into something creepy she was blaming the pig. Then again, it was he who sent out an alert this morning in the group chat and she was the only one to respond. The black abyss around her, tugged at the fabric of her suit. She locked the phone returning it to her pocket before checking her webbing cartridges. Satisfied she pulled her arms and legs in picking up her speed as she spun around a series of multicolored webs. The cold stung her face as her eyes on the suit shrank trying to block out at least some of the stinging air.

The world opened up around her as she landed on the ground, rolling to break her fall before leaping to her feet. It took her a minute to gage her surroundings becoming very aware that she was in an apartment. It was quaint, a few pictures of family lined the walls and the colors were obnoxiously bright and burned into her eyes. Who even had a polka dotted couch.  Her spider sense went off putting her on high alert and she searched the area around her looking for whatever it was.

"Gwen!" The voice made the spider woman jump getting her to stick to the ceiling before realizing it wasn't an attack. She looked below her noticing Porker staring up at her, a curious look in his eyes. Gwen has never seen the pig without his suit on and she was a little taken aback by the appearance. He looked like a normal cartoon pig. He had a small tuft of pink hair (fur?) sticking up on top of his head between his bent ears. He wore a simple white shirt and tan shorts that seemed to almost match his light pink skin. "Didn't mean to scare you." Peter stated as he waved at her to get down, which she quickly obliged to. Gwen landed with grace before squatting down to meet the cartoons eyes.

"What's the situation?" Gwen asked.

"I can't figure out what to wear." Peter stated as Gwen's mask's eyes widened in disbelief. She reached up pulling the mask from her face and throwing it back around her neck where it normally hung.

"You called me here because you don't know what to wear. You said you needed help ASAP!" Gwen growled.

"I do need help. I don't know what to wear for this event. It's really important Gwen, and I also need a date."

"I'm not going as your date." Gwen snapped as she stood up, pulling on her mask and started to mess with her bracelet syncing in her home world.

"Gwen please. If I don't go I'll never be able to figure out what Buzzard and Electro are up too." Peter stated as Gwen stopped turning her attention back to the swine beside her.

"I'm to assume they are animal versions of the vulture and electro then." Gwen muttered as she huffed a breath turning off the bracelet. "Well obviously you can't wear that. So what do you got?" Gwen asked as Porker's eyes widened and he smiled rushing into his brightly colored bedroom.

"I got so much stuff. Look I like this," A suit flew out of the closet, landing on the bed perfectly as Gwen leaned against the doorway, "and this," A nice shirt and khaki pants landed beside the other outfit, "but I think this is the way to go." Porker stated turning to look at the woman. In his hands he held a bright blue and sparkly dress with tulle covering the entire bottom. Gwen chuckled as she moved closer to him.

"Will it hide your suit?" Gwen asked as Peter looked at the dress than to the suit that was thrown into the corner. He was so a Peter, Gwen thought as she remembered the time that she had gone to Peter B's universe to help with a stakeout. When she landed in his place he had a piece of toast in his mouth and was wearing a greasy shirt. He was also pantsless, a fact that he quickly tried to hide. She didn't think he realized how fast, the travel was between the universes. He had fumbled around until he finally found his suit tossed into a corner of the living room, Gwen guessed that was how it was when MJ was gone.

"It will work." Porker informed.

"Okay what about me?" Gwen asked as she moved into the bedroom grimacing at the brightness of the bedspread. Peter turned, rushing into his closet again, disappearing from sight as cartoonish noises came from the closet. A horn sounded, breaking of glass, a police siren? What was going on? Gwen took a tentative step forward as Ham burst from the room holding a strange mask. Gwen raised an eyebrow before taking it from his hands, looking it over, it looked like a cat face and it looked so cartoony that it hurt her to look at. "This is it?"

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