Miles' Universe

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Noir shot up from the bed, wincing as he did. His stomach and chest burned from the movement and his leg screamed out as pain tore itself through his body. Taking a few shaky breaths, he was able to will a bit of the burning away finally getting the chance to look around the room. It was a bedroom, but it was dark and hard to see. There were traces of light filtering in from the window, small rays of white... no that wasn't white that was a faint blue. Noir gazed down at himself, noticing the white bandages wrapped around his torso and his left wrist bound in a makeshift cast. Across his lap lay a faded blanket, filled with different colors. Colors he didn't know, and maybe would never learn, but he was certain they weren't black and gray.

A small noise caught his attention before realizing someone was lying just beside the bed, carefully he leaned over noticing a bright color that he started recognizing as red. It was a hood and the person was lying on their side beside them laid another person roughly the same size as the first. A white sweatshirt was wrapped around the other, their arms bracing their head as they laid on their stomach on the floor. A loud snoring broke through Noir's thoughts as he gazed up noticing a chair sitting less than three feet away from the bed. Another snore escaped the person sitting in the chair, but it was far too dark to see much of them besides their bare feet. There was a shift on the bed and Noir's attention snapped to the base of the bed noticing movement as someone sat up.

"You okay?" Ham asked as he finally came into Noir's view, the darkness giving way to some of the pig's skin. Noir blinked, not certain of the color he was seeing, but he resigned himself to it after a few moments.

"Fine..." Noir muttered, his voice burned in his throat. Ham cocked his head before pulling out a glass of water for seemingly nowhere. Noir stopped trying to understand how the cartoon does it, and reaches up with his right hand taking the glass. "Thanks. How long have I been out?" Noir whispers downing the water in a few seconds before handing Ham back the glass of water.

"A few hours. You should go back to sleep." Ham encouraged as he sat down at Noir's side before glancing at the two figures beside the bed.


"Miles, and Gwen. Peter B. and Peni fell asleep in the chair." Ham gestures to the chair, but Noir couldn't see them through the darkness.

"How'd you guys find me?" Noir asked as he leaned up against the headboard. His chest screamed out at the pull making him wince before forcing himself to lay back down.

"Miles... He said you didn't wish him luck on his test." Ham said as Noir gave the pig a confused look. The realization overcame him as he looked in the direction of the bed where the teen was sleeping. Just missing one message was enough to send them all on high alert and come searching for him.

"I don't... why risk yourselves?" Noir questioned as Porker's ear twitched maybe out of confusion or curiosity.

"What do you mean, why?"

"You came to my world... You put yourselves in serious danger." Noir muttered as he pushed himself up enough to meet the pig's worried eyes. "If something would have happ-"

"Nothing would have happened." A voice from the edge of the bed said as Miles sat up, allowing the hood of his sweater to fall from where it was on his head. "We are Spider-Man just like you. We can handle whatever your world throws at us. What we apparently can't handle is your rain." Miles said as Ham laughed and Noir chuckled before a cough tore through him making his injuries surge.

"Sorry." Miles whispered only for Noir to wave the sorry away.

"No need to apologize. You did come to my rescue after all."

"Yeah, what exactly happened?" Gwen asked as she popped up beside Miles, the tiredness still lingering on her face. She rubbed at her eyes as she folded her arms on the bed before placing her chin on her hands. Miles laid his left arm on the bed and placed his face in his right hand waiting for the story.

"It's actually not a very fascinating story." Noir muttered.

"Just start already." Peter B. said as he shifted in the chair trying to get comfortable and Peni climbed out of his lap. Moving down between the two other teens, she settled herself against Gwen.

"I was heading home after a night of patrol. Stopped a robbery, a kidnapping and a possible bomb and beat up a group of Nazis. I didn't think that they would have followed after me, especially after everything. Should have taken the long route to try to lose them..." Noir muttered before swallowing dryly. "Anyways, got back to my place and they broke in. They got me pretty good." Noir whispered as his right hand went to his bandage right side. He could still feel the pain from that bullet as it burned its way through his skin and into the wall.

"Like I said it's not very fascinating. Just a childish mistake." Noir pointed out as Peni climbed onto the bed, settling herself beside him.

"You're not perfect everyone makes mistakes." Peni muttered as she curled up to his left side. The bed shifted again as Miles crawled to his other side planting himself beside the monochrome man with Gwen on his heels. The girl leaned against Miles her body stretched out as the boy glanced at Noir.

"That's the point of family isn't it. When you make a mistake and fall, they are there to help you stand back up." Gwen said as she smiled at Noir.

"No matter how stupid and strange of a family we are. We still are family." Peter said as he shifted in the chair so he could be seen. "Now how about we all head back to sleep." Peter B. stated as Noir nodded slowly sliding himself back down on the bed. Peni snuggled up against his side as Miles shifted down as well with Gwen, her head resting on the others shoulder. Ham jumped up to the headboard before dropping down on the pillow beside Noir's head, getting himself comfortable.

"Now, this is just unfair." Peter B. muttered as the group chuckled. Peter got up fetching a few more blankets and tossing them to the others as the group settled in for the night. "Night guys." Peter stated as he sat down in the chair watching the five others doze off to sleep, a small smile crossing his face. They were his family and he would give anything to keep them safe.
That's it guys this is the last chapter. Hope you all enjoyed.

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