Adoption DAY

185 10 2

Ross / Laura

Ross, wake up. You need to wake up right now.

For crying out LOUD Ross, Wake up!!

Do I need to spam you Lynch, wake the feck up.

You've got one more chance to answer before I spam call you, wake up bonez!!!!!!


JESO, Laura. Your about to break my phone. What the hell is wrong that your messaging me at 9am in the morning, you know for a fact - - I am NOT a morning person. You've always known that.

Yeah, yeah! Whatever sorry. But there was no other way for me to contact you. You need to get your ass over right now!

Why though Laura, what's so important about today that you had to wake me up at 9AM in the blasted morning.

Ross, look at the date on your phone. Once you've done that, check your calendar. I know you didn't, so I entered it in myself.

Okay, I'm checking...

OMG, I'm so stupid, I can't believe I didn't notice. It is a very important day. It's adoption day today. The one say of the entire year I've been promising to take you to!

Yes, and I know fully that we are ready for this type of commitment. So what do you say? You gonna get ready and meet me downstairs?

Are you nuts! Wait there and I'll get ready and personally come and pick you up at your front door. That's what a real gentleman does. Give 10 minutes and we can go and adopt our first puppy together.

I honestly cannot wait. See you in 10 Ross <3

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