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Ross / Laura

Laura, can you meet me outside that little cafe tomorrow at 9 sharp?

Of course, but why?

I just need you with me, it's ever so slightly personal but also for a reason.

Okay, totally not scaring me...

You've got no reason to be scared Laura, only being truthful with you. I know that is one massive factor in anything for you. Am I right?

Yes, your 100% correct. Do I have any reason to be scared or worried?

I don't see any need, but if you think you need to be then lemme know so I can reassure you.

I appreciate that Ross. I trust you, so I'll meet you tomorrow like you've asked of me.

Thank you Laura. Do you want me to tell you why I need you with tomorrow?

It would be nice to know ahead of time, yes...

Okay, I'll tell you. Your helping me attend a group meeting for people who are finally coming to terms with their addiction.

Ross, what haven't you told me?

Laura, would you like to go out on an actual date with me tomorrow. The group thing was a excuse to meet up with you. You're my addiction and you have been for the past 10 years, we've been friends for many years, I may not know how you truly feel. But I know what my true feelings are and where they stand. Will you meet me tomorrow?

Yes, Ross. I will meet you tomorrow, because I feel the same. Always have and always will.

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