Interview PREP

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Ross / Laura

Laura, do you know if you've gotten any information regarding the interview?

Nope, and I'm worried I haven't gotten the interview for Harvard.

Don't worry yourself too much over it Laura, I'm sure you'll hear back from them pretty soon.

Um, Ross...speaking of that interview

What, did they get back to you there?


And, what did it say?

I've gotten an interview with them next Tuesday, Ross what do I say or do now?

Well, for one you thank them for accepting your application, and that'll gladly turn up for the interview and that you'll see them soon. Don't forget to thank them.

I won't, and I have done it already. Ross I am so nervous, I was not expecting to get accepted, Harvard is not an easy school to get into, everyone knows this.

I know Laura. Your just gonna have to take a deep breathe and hope for the best. But I know one thing is for sure anyway.

What's that Ross?

They'd be idiots not to take you, that is what I'm saying.

Aw Ross your honestly too kind. What do you honestly suggest I do?

Well, what I would suggest, start rummaging through your closet for your best outfit for the day. It's gonna take you a few days to consider different options. I'd ponder which make-up your gonna put on even though you don't need it. I'm make a decision on the hair style your going for. And lastly, make sure you have any written questions, because of employers, or in this case, Deans always ask at the end of the interview, "Is there anything you like to ask?" And you need to have one or two questions ready. Do not ask anything regarding money, I'm sure that'll be including in your welcome pack when they accept you after the interview.

Wow, thank you so much Ross. You have no idea how I appreciate all your great advice.

Your welcome Laura, lemme know how it goes?

I'll text you as soon as I'm out.

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