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Ross / Laura

Ross, we have been up and down for months, it's only recently been getting worse. Your saying you want to fix things, I want to believe you. But it's hard when the trust is hardly there.

I know Laura, I think it's more than just trust though was us. You need to understand that every decision I have made, it's not only to make us survive, help us stay afloat. I want to keep us with a roof over our heads. I can't do that if I don't break the rules every once in a while. I know that some decisions have not been the best.

You are telling me Ross... you know what you have done and you know it's pissed me off.

Laura, if I didn't. We wouldn't have certain things that we may have needed.

I get that, but you could've told me at least, not just do it and expect me to be okay with it.

I promise from now on, I will consult you on everything I do or want to do, especially when it comes to our daughter or the house or even us.

Many promises get made a lot, can you stick to this one?

If I don't, I lose you and my daughter. I don't want that. So, yes I will stick to it.

Okay, I will trust you this time.

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