75 3 1

Ross / Laura


Who's this?

Sorry, who did I accidentally phone?

I don't know if you got the wrong number or not, I'm Laura...?

Oh, I'm sorry I got the wrong number. Guess I typed in the wrong digit when contacting my friend Callum.

Possibly so, is everything okay... for you type the number so fast and get one wrong digit, you must be in a bad situation or upset or something. Everyone okay?

Oh, yeah! Of course. I was trying to contact my friend because I had some news to tell him.

Oh, some good news I'm guessing.

You've guessed correctly, I was calling him to tell him I got into Ohio State.

Oh wow, that's amazing...?

Oh, I am so rude. Name's Ross. Please forgive my rudeness Laura.

Nah, your honestly fine. Well congratulations. But can I ask one thing?

Of course, what do you want to ask?

Why did you tell me that you got into college, I'm a complete stranger.

I don't know, I guess I just felt like I could trust you. Did I guess wrong?

No, of course not. I'm actually kind of honoured. I'm kinda glad you typed in the one wrong digit.

Of yeah?

Yeah, because then I wouldn't have made a new friend.

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