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Ross / Laura

Ross, do you have any idea what we are doing for our anniversary?

Well, Laura. I could either plan it and surprise you - - but alas we both know you don't like surprises too much. So how about we plan it together. That way I can tell you what we were going to do, and if you wanna change anything you may do so.

Aww, Ross your honestly so sweet. What were you planning. Something cliché?

No.... Not necessarily. But a little bit at the same time. Dinner, movie and a little romantic walk on the beach.

How about this, we get a little take-away dinner and make that the picnic meal, that way we can save a little money on a restaurant.

Laura, honey. There's a little problem with that comprise.

What's that?

I'm not gonna do that because your worth every penny I've ever spent on you.

Aww, your honestly so sweet. Are you sure you wanna do that?

Never been so sure of anything in my life. I'll pick you up at 7, be ready for me gorgeous.

I'll see you at 7.

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