••Hamilton Hood••

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Omg I thought I was dead. I'm so sorry~
Btw it's all good, in the Hamilton Hood owo

~[Romans POV]~
Roman: (here I am. Sitting on my bed. As a beautiful goddess changes into my old musical theatre clothes. I'm just so confuse-

Veronica (Virgil): "hey prince"

Roman: I look up to see a cute, adorable demon looking at me with wide eyes. My old Hamilton hoodie (he loved the hood but his parents made him stop wearing it because they said it wasn't very royal) 

Quick doodle of what I think it would look like ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Narrator: the hoodie was big on the smol emo witch made the emo seem even more cute and adorable, at least that's what the prince thought

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Narrator: the hoodie was big on the smol emo witch made the emo seem even more cute and adorable, at least that's what the prince thought..

Veronica (Virgil): "wait really?!?" Virgil said a little excited.

Roman: "what dear?"

Veronica (Virgil): "oh um never mind.."

Roman: "now darling I love the dress up games but, and it pains me to say this.. I do believe it would be best for you to get going, I'm truly sorry but I'm just exhausted from all the ladies and the ball and that weird small man child what was his name.. Ramos or something?"

Veronica (Virgil): "pfffftttt hahaha"

Narrator: Just like that Virgil burst out laughing

Roman: "did I miss something or..." (she has such a cute laugh that I just wanted to keep her forever)

Veronica (Virgil): "ok back to business" she said with a straight face

Roman: "business?" I say a little scared..


I had swimming classes and singing classes to keep up with plus a lot of family came over for the summer, again I'm sorry but I'm going to be working nonstop from now on. My goal is to have this book done and finished before my school starts up.. though some schools already started. Anyway I finally know how I wanna finish this book so again I'm sorry but I swear the end is in sight.

wov u all~

(Also I excluded some of my own art.. of course I included my worst Virgil art so to make up for it, imma add one of my better Virgil drawings that I made and posted on my insta so if you want you can follow me) btw it's also kinda trash but..


My Virgil art⬆️ (follow me @trashcantdraw)

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My Virgil art⬆️ (follow me @trashcantdraw)

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