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3rd Person's POV

Ming was confused when the guy whom was hit by the ball took off all of sudden. He knew the guy was hurting terribly.

He knew the guy was a senior. His name was Phana. People talked about The Great Phana all the time. Rumor said he was perfect candidate to be brought home—meeting the parents. He was every girl's dream guy. Hell, he could make every guy turned gay just for him.

"Fuck, Ming!! You hit the almighty P' Pha!!" Yo shouted, making Ming went deaf.

"Tell me something I don't know," Ming rolled his eyes. He saw Phana turned at the corner and was out of his sight.

"Ugh, I bet it hurts so bad!" Yo was worried of Pha, his 2-year-long crush. Ming couldn't help but worry at Phana too. He knew he kicked the ball pretty hard.
The next day Ming saw Phana scolding his two friends at the canteen. It was recess time. He wondered how Phana was doing. He was sitting at the table with Yo and other friends, quite far from Phana's table.

He saw Phana laughed at his two friends. They were throwing jokes at each other.

Blinks. Ming did not comprehend what was happening, but he could not take his eyes off of the laughing Phana. There was something mesmerizing about his laugh. He swore he could hear Phana's laugh slightly.

Ming never gave a fuck about Yo's crush. He had only ever seen Phana from afar. Not close like yesterday. His mind wandered to the flushed Phana. He smiled and thought it was cute.

"Look at his smile, Ming! I'm melting~" Yo brought Ming back.

"Huh?" Ming was confused.

"I'm talking about P' Pha! Geez, why are you not listening?"

Ming could only half smiled. He didn't like how P' Pha's smile affecting his friend, whilst it was a common thing because everybody loved The Great Phana. Still, he was irritated.
Ming was playing basketball when Phana sat on his usual bench, always reading and reviewing.

"Guys, I'm out of the game!" Ming walked out of the field and sat few benches away from where Phana was sitting.

But, Phana never noticed Ming's present until the bell rang, the sign for the next class.

Ming loved to watch Phana studying. It's amusing how Phana's brows would constantly furrow here and there. Sometimes Phana would pout too if he found the problems were confusing. Then, Phana would smile gleefully when he succeeded answering the problems. And, Ming too, would smile because hell, Phana's smile was always contagious.

Months went by shortly. Ming's eyes would always find Phana. They were searching for his presence.

It's finally the graduation day. He wanted to give something to Phana. But he had not decided what to give. So, he didn't buy anything in the end. He also thought it would be awkward, since they had not talked after that incident.

"Ming, I want to give something to P' Pha, I need your company." Ming did not want Phana to get presents from anyone. But it's Phana. The whole school worshipped him.

So, Ming only nodded and followed Yo. He wanted to see Phana too. The senior had not come to school after the bar exam two weeks ago. Ming thought this was his last chance to see Phana.

What irritated Ming the most was how Phana blushed having Yo greeted him. He wanted to lock Phana in the farthest room he could ever find.

"I- I have always liked you, P'!" Yo's confession shocked both Ming and Phana. Ming glared at both Yo and Phana. He was very wrath. He hated how Phana stuck and froze after the confession.

Phana's gaze then met Ming's death glare. Phana looked down to calm himself. He tried to get away from his nervousness.

"P', did you hear me?" The Yo asked while holding Phana's hand.

"O- Oh, I- I... thank you.." That's it, Ming snapped and just about to shove Yo's hand when...

"B-but I don't s-swing this way, uh, so.." Ming was astounded hearing that sentence. Phana declined every confession he got, like he always did. But it shocked Ming because he thought Phana was gay. He had never dated girls, always turned them down, and he fucking blushed bacause of Yo's love declaration!

"Don't be sorry or feel bad, P'! I just wanted to tell you on your last day in high school. Good luck for your next endeavour, P', then, I will get going, P'! Take care!" Yo turned back and walked so fast pulling Ming with him.

Ming knew Yo was about to break down when suddenly Phana asked, "W-what's your name, N'?"

Yo's steps were halted and he was back to his normal gleeful self, "It's Wayo, call me Yo."

Phana stole a glance at Ming, "A-and, you? What's yours?"

"It's Ming, P', Mingkwan." Ming smirked. He was irritated because Phana was obviously shy on Wayo. He only acted hard to get. Ming bet on his monthly allowance that Phana liked Yo too, he was only shy to admit it!

Ming thanked Yo for finally bidding good bye to Phana because he could not hold any longer, he was boiling inside. He hated seeing Phana blushed over Yo.

When Yo had walked far enough, he looked Phana was about to go, "Not so fast, P," Ming said.

"Huh?" Phana froze and stood still, could not get what's happening.

"Are you alright?" Ming asked. He had been seriously worried about Phana since that incident. He could not get Phana out of his head.

Phana stayed silent, so Ming asked again.

"Y-yeah?" That was the only word Phana could gather.

"Your face. Is it okay?" Then it hit Phana. Ming was asking about that incident.

Phana jerked his hand away from Ming's grip. "Of course! It was not that bad!"

Ming snickered, "Really? Your face was sooo fucking red back then, like you look right now."

Phana looked cute with his blushing cheeks. Ming was glad it was him making Phana blushed, not his best friend, Wayo.

"Is it because of Yo's confession?" Ming's laugh finally halted. Replaced it with his serious face.

Phana blushed. Again. Ming was ire. He regretted bringing Yo's name out of the blue. He wanted it to be him, and him only who could make Phana blushing like this.

"N-not your business," Phana rebuked.

Ming stepped closer to where Phana is standing. Before Phana could step back, Ming held his hand, once again.

Ming's face was on two inches away from Phana. Ming slightly leaned down, only made Phana flustered even more. "W-what," then Ming finally stepped back, while smiling to Phana.

Phana's heart thumped loudly, he was afraid Ming could hear it.

"See you when I see you, P'," Ming walked backwards, still with his dazzling smile glued to his face.

He left Phana frozen. His teasing smile was gone, replaced by frown on his face.

Ming didn't know why he was so obsessed with Phana. The only thing he knew was he wanted Phana to look only at him.

To be continued

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