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3rd Person POV

"No," Ming declined Phana's invitation firmly. He nearly jumped at Phana, savoring him after such invitation. Phana looked alluring with his white shirt wrapping his slender yet muscled body.

Phana never failed to stir Ming's feelings. Whatever he did, would only make Ming fell deeper. Sometimes Ming even felt helpless. "You're still hurt. I won't push you." Ming continued.

"But—," Phana was about to argue when suddenly Ming kissed him. The kiss totally made Phana speechless.

"I want you too, Phana. But I want you to heal first.." Ming explained. His heart almost stopped when Phana came to the cinema. He thought Phana would decline P' Kit's and P' Beam's invitation.

But Phana was being who he was, a daddy to their best friends. Never say no to anyone. He would help anyone in need. Phana was selfless. He would even sacrifice himself for his friends. But watching movie was not even urgent. Why wouldn't Phana say no?! Ming gritted his teeth.

That's what made Ming decided to take care of Phana. He wanted to be the one Phana could rely on. He would fulfill Phana's need. He could even be Phana's daddy.

Phana furrowed his brows. Ming looked annoyed by something. Could it be him?
"M-Ming.. I'm sor–," Phana's words were stopped midway because Ming was faster to seal Phana's lips with his.

Ming stared at Phana dearly. He kissed Phana again, only this time, it was not on the lips but on his forehead.

Knock knock
"Our dinner just arrived! I will get it." Ming went to open the door and paid their dinner. He then prepared the dinner on the plates.

As he was still arranging the dinner on the plates, Phana walked closer to him. Phana put his chin on Ming's shoulder.

"Let's have dinner on the couch," whispered softly.

Ming smiled, "Sure."

After a while, they sat on the couch to have dinner together. In no time, they had finished their food.

Ming pushed Phana to lay down on the bed. He then went to wash the dishes.

Soon, Ming joined Phana on the bed. He lied next to Phana.

"Come here, Phana." Ming demanded Phana to come closer to him. Phana shyly shifted to him. As soon as Phana was in Ming's embrace, Ming hugged Phana tighter. He kissed Phana on his temple.

"Sleep tight, Phana." Ming said.

"Hmm.." Phana slowly closed his eyes and drifted away.


Phana opened his eyes slowly. He was welcomed by silence. He could feel his left side was empty. He turned his head. Yup. Ming was gone.

The loneliness ate himself whole as he missed Ming's company when he woke up.

It's Sunday. Ming was probably at the Moon and Star gathering. Phana was lost in his thought when his eyes caught something on the night stand.

It's simple fried rice completed with sunny side-up. And there was a little note next to it.

Morning, baby. Please eat and rest for today. I'm going to Moon and Star gathering. I'll come by tonight.

Baby's Daddy,

The biggest smile plastered on Phana's face. Ming was too sweet to be true. He wondered if Ming always acted like this towards his partner. He was never a boyfriend to Ming but Ming treated him this sweet!

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