Chapter 5 - What is happening?

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*Mark's POV*

I was hanging out with some fans when I heard someone yell from a distance,

"What the hell?"

I ran over to where the sound was coming from but I was meet with a crowd of people, all I saw was a glimpse of a young man and a small girl crying, then I saw [Y/N] pick the girl up and rush her to the first aid station,

"What's going on?" I say to myself.

I just stood there trying to see what was happening then I heard over the speakers,

'Mr and Mrs Anderson we have you daughter Clare in first aid station 3, please come and pick her up'

"What happen?" I keep saying

Then I saw [Y/N] out of the corner of my eye,

"Hey, [Y/N] wait!" I shouted

I don't think she heard me, so I ran up to her whilst dodging people, I grabbed her shoulder,

"Hey, [Y/N] what's going on?"

"Oh mark, you scared me, oh well a little girl hurt herself and I'm the one who brought her here and got her taken care of" she said with a happy look

"Wow really?"

"Yeah, I thought you were with your fan girls?"

"I was, but I wanted to come here and see what was happening, plus bob and wade are helping me out haha"

"Oh ok, but wouldn't tiny box tim miss you?"

"Oh yeah, my lil biscuit!" I said sarcastically

All she did was laugh, and I couldn't help but smile,


"Nothing...ha...ha" she snickered

I don't know why but I can't help but smile around this girl, maybe it's her hair, how it sits on her shoulders or maybe it's here beautiful eyes, how they light up when she's happy, or maybe it's just her, herself that makes me smile so silly when I'm around her.

Am I falling for her??

*Your POV*

The next two days were a blur, nothing really happened me and mark spent time together and he even went shopping with me to find a dress for the party, well, the "comic con" after party.

"How do I look mark?" I ask

"Wow you look... amazing!" he said as he blushed alittle

"Hehe thanks!" I say as I finish putting my hair up

"Hey will bob and wade be there tonight?" I asked

"Yeah, with there girlfriends"

"Oh ok cool" I said with a smile.

"Ok I'm done now, how do I look?"

I turned to see mark in a white button up shirt and black dress pants and a red tie,

"Wow.... umm...very.. handsome..."

I said as I blushed and turned away.

What is happening!? I still like this guy! but, even more so now.. does he like me too? no, why would he? I grab my purse and keys,

"Mark" I called out

"Come on I gotta lock my room"

"Ok ok I'm coming" he said

He walked out the door and I followed and locked up, we walk from the hotel back to the convention centre,

"I hope this will be fun!" I said

"Of course it will be" mark said with a smile, that smile of his makes my heart melt.

*Mark's POV*

Nothing much really happened the last few days, I did my usual routine and then spent my time with [Y/N] afterwards, I even went shopping with her, now that was fun...

"How do I look mark?" she said

I turned to look at her and wow... she looked gorgeous, I mean, WOW!

"Wow... you look, amazing!" I say as I turn away and blush, damn don't blush...

"Hehe thanks" she said as she smiled

I loved her smile,

"Hey will bob and wade be there tonight?" she asked

"Yeah they will, so will Molly and mandy" I replied

"Oh ok cool.."

"Ok I'm done now, how do I look?" I asked her,

"Oh... um.. very handsome" she blushed, I couldn't help but snicker,

I was wearing my white button up shirt and my black dress pants and even my red tie, I didn't look half as good as [Y/N] did. I really like this girl, and I want her to notice that, what should I do?

"Mark" I heard,

"Come on, I gotta lock me room"

"Ok ok I'm coming" I replied as I finished fixing my hair,

I walk out her door and she followed behind me, she locked up and we walked back to the convention centre,

"I hope this will be fun" she said

"Of course it will be" I said with a smile to ease her nervousness, she just blushed and I couldn't help but laugh.

What will this night bring for us?

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