Chapter 20 - perfect day

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*Mark's POV*
So it's been a month and a half since I spoke to [Y/N] last and it's been killing me not seeing her, I mean working on my videos has been hard because I can't concentrate and my fans have noticed.
It's been hard but she finally messages me and I don't know how many times I said sorry to her but I think she sick of hearing it.... but she finally forgave me and just in time for her birthday today, I really hope those guys get stuff done before I get back....
- several days before -
I had been so happy since [Y/N] forgave me the other day that I didn't realise that her before was next Saturday....
I walk over to my calendar and check the date,
"Hmmm... today's the 26th, so...! Saturday is [Y/N]'s birthday! I forgot" I said myself rushing to up the stairs to grab my phone,
I pull up a contact and call it,
"Hey bud" wade says,
"Hey wade, hey... can I ask a favor?" I ask,
"Sure, what is it?"
"It's [Y/N]'s birthday this Saturday coming, I was wondering if y-" I was cut off,
"If I could put together a party for her right? Did she forgive you?"
"Yes she did and yes please, could you get bob, felix and ken to help to because well... she your friend" I said,
"Yeah I'm sure they'll help"
"Ok good, I'll take her out on her birthday and I'll leave a spare key under my mat so you can get in" I told him,
We spoke for a bit more about what to bring, what to get her, etc.....
- present day -
I get up out of bed and jump into my shower and then jump out and put on some black jeans and my lucky shirt, the red and white checkered button up one...
I was almost done when I heard a knock at my door,
"That must be her" I say as I start to walk towards the front door from the bathroom,
"Hey Mark, you ok?" I heard her say,
Of course I'm ok why wouldn't I be...
I opened the door to let her in, but what I saw was so beautiful,
"Hey [Y/N] wow..! You look.... beautiful" I said as I felt my face go hot,
"You ready yet?" She asks,
"Yeah almost" I say in return, as I walk down the hall in the bathroom,
I finished styling my hair and walked back her,
"Ok now I'm done" I say,
I see her snicker alittle but I brush that off,
"Ok cool lets go then" she says,
"But before we do..." I grabbed a small box off the bench,
"Here, Happy Birthday" I smiled at her,
"Oh, mark you shouldn't have" she said as she took the box out of my hand and opened it, her expression was clear... she loved it,
I bought her a stunning silver heart necklace with a M inside of it,
"Wow... mark it's ... beautiful"
"Here, turn around, let me put it on you" as I said that she turned and moved her hair so I could clip it on,
She turned back, and wow... did it suit her,
"I thought it would suit you" I told her,
She just turned away blushing,
She's so cute like that, anyway,
"Let's go now" I suggested,
"S-sure" she said as we walked out of my apartment and down to my car,
We got in and as soon as we left I got a message,
'Hey bud, just arrived starting to organise things now, see you at 3'
Ok good things are working as planned, I thought to myself as I look over to see [Y/N] smiling.
We get to the mall and go to the food court and get something to eat, then we get up and walk around for a while and as we walk we catch up on stuff,
"Feel like going back to the park?" I ask,
"We don't have to.."
"No, we'll go"
"Yeah, but you have to run away from fan girls this time, that's if we see any... ok!" She says,
"Yeah, ok" I said as we walked back to the car and drove to the park.
We walked for like 10mins when fan girls spotted us,
"Crap..." she said annoyed,
"Mark, can I have a hug!!"
"That's our queue right" I said to her,
"Queue for what?" She asked giving me a werid look,
"To run.." I shouted as I grabbed her wrist and ran,
"Ahh... let me catch up..." she shouted,
"Nooo... they'll nibble my jibblets if we slow down" I shouted to her,
"Hahahahaha... damn it mark..... dont..... make..... me...... laugh" she laughed through her sentence as she ran,
We finally stopped once I jumped into bushes pulling [Y/N] with me,
"Jesus, *pant* those girls *pant* don't like giving up easy *pant" I was out of breath,
"You *pant* don't say *pant*" [Y/N] sarcastically said as she was out of breath,
I check the time...crap it's 2:50 need to go,
"Ready to go home now?" I ask recovering breath,
"Give me a sec" she said still regaining her breath,
Once she was ok we start to go home, we got in the car and drove back, we walked up the stairs and up to my door,
"Hey, come in for a drink" I suggested,
"Why not, I think I deserve one huh?" She said as she laughed,
I open my door and step in to a pitch black rum,
"Huh? What happened to your lights" she asked,
"I don't don't know, could you find the switch, it's been place somewhere different to yours" I said to her as I managed to find someone in the darkness to give me a hand to put a hat on and to give me a party popper,
When she found the switch and turned the lights on we all shouted,
"AHHHhhh!! Jesus... hahaha thanks you guys!" She shouted
Today has been a amazing day....
So far, but what happens later on
That night will make it perfect,
Until then.

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