Chapter 6 - What is this..?

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*Your POV*

We walk into the centre and wow! the place was packed it was... amazing!! I couldn't wait to just socialise!

"Wow, mark this is so amazing!" I shouted over the music,

"I know it's like this every year, hahaha" he shouted back,

"Let's get something to eat?" I suggested,

"Sure thing" he said as he followed me,

We got to the bar and asked for some chips and drinks, then we sat a horse-shoed couch table,

"Hey mark?" I ask


"Isn't bob and wade here yet?"

"Um, let me check" he said as he pulled out his phone and pulled up a contact number, then he got up and walked off.

"Hmm? Oh ok.. then I'll wait here" I said to myself.

10 mins pass and I'm still waiting for mark to return when some random guy comes over and sits with me,

"Hey there" he says

Wait, he sounds familiar,

"Pewds!?" I shout

"Hey, how's it going bro?"

"Hey, yeah things are pretty good" I smiled

"Why are you here alone?" he asks

"I'm not, I'm waiting for mark to come back"

"Mark as in markiplier?" He suggests

"Yeah.." I say,

"Why did he leave you alone?"

"His getting bob and wade"

"Oh ok" I sighs

"Where's marzia?" I ask

"Oh she's at the bar see? she coming over now" he points out,

I look over to where he is pointing,

"Oh I see her, she looks prettier in person" I say with a smile,

"Why did you choose to sit here?" I ask

"Oh well I did have somewhere else but I saw you by yourself, I didn't want you to be alone"

"Aww thanks pewds" I laugh

"Let me guess when you chose were you wanted to sit, you said it like this:

Ole dole doff, Kinke lane koff, Koffe lane, Binke bane, Ole dole doff!"

He just laughed at me,

"What didn't you do that?" I pout

"No, I'd...say....that" he said as he laugh through his sentence.

I couldn't help but laugh with me, then mark returned,

"Mark! hey finally.." I shouted

"Hey sorry but, I found them" he said as he pointed to bob and wade,

"Oh Felix, hi" mark said

"Hey mark, how's things?"

"Yeah, good... you want to sit with us?"

"Sure why not" pewds smiled

We all say at the table and talked for a bit, I got to now Molly, Mandy and marzia, then started to speak to bob and wade, we did this for and hour.

"Mark" I said


"Wanna dance?" I asked as I pointed to the dance floor,

"Really?" He said shocked

"Yeah come on!" I said a I pulled him up,

"Ok ok I'm coming"

By now I've had a few drinks and I was pretty tipsy. we walked towards the dance floor when suddenly a bunch of fan girls ran up mark and I was pushed out of the way almost falling over,

"Hey, [Y/N] you ok?" mark asked

"Yeah I'm fine.." I said annoyed

"Sorry girls but I'm wi-" I cut mark off "no no it's fine... be with you fan girls!" I said to him as I walk off what is this... Jealously? no it can't be? can it? I just don't want those girls... being near him.. Wait! what am I saying? I really like him but I know his not the same...

I wonder off into the crowd off people, I get pushed and shoved but I didn't care I made myself upset. I don't know what to do.. then I was stopped by someone, I turn around and see ken?

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