I sat in the back of the class and copied down the literature notes. I sat quietly and peacefully while the other kids talked and snickered.
"Quiet class quiet!" The teacher called for the hundredth time "it's time to present our poems. Any volunteers?"
Everyone looked around the room to see which unlucky soul would go first. They needed someone to ridicule.
"Abby how about you?" The groups hungry gaze turned to me
"Um no thank you" I mumbled quietly hiding my face
"It wasn't an option come up here"
I shuffled quietly to the front of the class while they giggle quietly.
"Not so long ago
In a land closer than it seems
There lived a silly little girl
With a pocketful of dreams
She was as hated as was loved
It didn't matter what she'd done
But the one thing that she knew
Was that she hurt everyone
Too fat and too ugly
Too judgmental and a fool
She could never just be perfect
And society was cruel
It carried on for years
And nobody could decide
Whether this silly little girl
Should get to live or die
So the leader told his people
That something must be done
And the poor thing should be dealt with
So it couldn't hurt anyone
At first there was denial
But the number quickly bloated
Soon even the voice of mother
Left the situation quite outvoted
But when asked ''who would do it?''
As the people shouted blame
Not a single one would volunteer
And hung their heads in shame
A tiny voice right from the back
Suppressed by a nation's shouts
Announced that she could do it
No longer harbouring any doubts
Every single citizen watched
As a blade was drawn with care
The girl aligned it to the heart
To breathe she didn't dare
Instantly her dull eyes closed
A single push was done
Hushed whispers silenced throughout the land
Watching her smiling tear drops run
When mother found her in the morn
Dried tears still on her face
She knew with greatest certainty
She was not in a better place
How hopeless she was lying there
With blood on the bedroom floor
The only thing to take comfort in
They couldn't hurt her anymore
Mother watched the coffin
Now the girl was quite stone dead
Such a pity, society sighed
That the land was within her head.
Take heed of this done story
For the many who ruin themselves
Though words might seem so innocent
Our worst critics are ourselves"
By the end of the poem everyone had stopped talking and stopped laughing. I ran almost in tears to my desk.
"Oh you've done it now Abby!" My brain shouted at me.
"It was a nice poem. Very pretty. Good job Abby" a softer side of my brain praised me.
"Abby see me after class" the teacher said and the class roared with laughter. I buried my face in my arm.
"Oh you've done it now Abby!" I whispered to myself. The negative side had won.
**after class!**
"Abby that poem was well depressing. Is everything alright?" She asks
"I'm fine ma'am. I just you know thought of words that rhymed and that went nicely together"
"Well alright. Try and think of a happier one tomorrow?"
"Yes ma'am
I grabbed my books and walked quietly and carefully into the hall trying not to bother anyone. Suddenly I'm rammed into a locker. My books clatter to the floor.
"Dropped something you clumsy oaf" a cheerleader stands in front of me. She flips her perfect golden curls. Her name is Trinity she's in my grade and the most popular girl in school. She hates me.
"So does everyone else! You're horrible!" My brain cries out at me
"That's not true! You're a sweet girl you haven't done anything to anyone!" The other half of my brain reassures me.
"Nevaeh do you see this rat on the floor?" She turns to a girl with beautiful brown skin.
The both give me a look of disgust but Nevaeh says nothing. I collect my things and shuffle away to the last period of the day.
"You're horrible Abby" I whisper to myself. The negative side had won again.

The girl society forgot
JugendliteraturYou know that girl in the back of the room? The one that never talks? The one you wouldn't even know existed unless the popular people didn't make fun of her? That girl was me. Little Abby Green was a quiet girl who never wanted to harm anyone. Well...