stress reliever Ch.10

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Your met with a very dificult choice you try your hardest to hold your pencil in your hand and think of the solution. Looking at the clock and taking a deep breth, you feel as if time slowed down in this room.

'just calm down and think of the question, dont let Donnies help go to waste'.

You were in the middle of your last final exam, if you passed this you were done with school. Taking the steps to achieving your goal to become a writer. You got excellent marks in all your classes and you were even highly praised by all the teachers, this was it you would be done with school and focus on your dreams.

After the test you met up with April and Casey.

"ugh, why was it so harddd" Casey growned.

"I think i did pretty ok" letting out a stretch April leaned against you.

"I cant tell if i did good or not, my anxiety was basiclly peeking", you shift your weight on April.

"you know what would be a good stress releaver?" Casey said looking at us.

"what" we both say.

"Lets fight for a bit" he said grinning going to the derection of the man hole that leads to the lair.

"you want us to spar our stress away?" April asked.

"that doesn't sound to bad, I'll shoot them a text" you pull out your phone.

:texting in group chat:

y:"hey guys, we just finished our tests we're going back to the lair"

D:" how did you do?"

Y:"wont know till the end of the week"

C:"get ready were ganna use you guys to get rid of stress >:D"

R:"why is my phone blowing up!"

L:"hey guys".


Y:"is it ok if we spar out our stress? (030)'

R:" you want to fight stress away?"

A:" why not it works for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

R:"...true 凸-_-凸"

D:" wait you all want in on this ಠ_ಠ"

Y:"yup (≧▽≦)"

A:" why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

C:"duhh~ 𝗨𝘄𝗨"

M:"me to I want in! (/✧w✧)/"

L:"alright but there's to many of us to fit in the Dojo"

A:" we can use our spot, right (Y/N).

Y:" Right~ also i want some payback for the 2 butt kicking's you gave me (︶^︶)"

A:" your on!"


R:"my monies on (Y/N)!"

D:"I bet she wins"

L:"alright well see you guys when you get here"

:End of texts:

After a few minutes of walking you finally make it to the lair, you get what you need for your sparring matches. Leading the guys to your spot you hear them gasping and looking at all the space.

"were here welcome~" you say spinning with your arms extended.

"Why do you guys get a big space!" Mikey said with his mouth gaping.

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