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~Meanwhile with Thomas / Thomas's POV

As I was driving back home thinking about Kaori, my phone rang. I looked at my phone to see who it was, it was..Gzi..the one who I have crush on for 3 years.

Gzi and I have been friends for 6 years, when I broke up with my girlfriend 3 years ago she was the only one by my side and helped me get over the heartbreaking.
She's so beautiful, kind and sweet and it happened that I fell for her.

But I never got to tell her because I am scared, scared she doesn't feel the same way that's why I am keeping these feelings to myself not letting them out.

I answered her call and put it on speaker.
"Thomas?" She said. "Hey, what's up?" I responded. "Thomas where are you? You haven't been home since the sun has raised" she asked Sounds a little angry.

"Don't worry I am on my way home, I met someone that's all"
I heard her sigh then she spoke again "just be careful, and you're not running away from this you're gonna tell me all about it also make sure to introduce me to that mystery person of yours"
"I will and I am sure you gonna like her"
'Just like I did'

~Gzi's POV

Around 10 PM, Ava called me, Thomas's sister, asking about her brother if he was with me. She told me he got out from the house so early and he hasn't came back yet. Also she called Dylan his best friend a while ago, but they haven't met today.

I know that Thomas is 29 years old, and he can take care of himself but I couldn't help but worry about him. Because you see, I love him but he doesn't feel the same way. He only sees me as a friend more like a sister.

I am scared that if I told him and got rejected, things will be awkward between us, and our relationship will get complicated and I don't want that, so I just keep these feelings to myself and get over it, but each day I can't help but fall for him even more.

I called him and he answered, thank god, he said that he's in his way back home, I sighed in relief. But what really got my attention was him meeting someone and it's a girl.

Now I might be jealous but what got me broken that when he said 'I am sure you gonna like her'
When he said that I felt him smiling though I couldn't see it, but when he mentioned her he seemed happy about it, his tone proved it.

And I can't help but think who's that girl?
Does he love her?
Is she his new girlfriend?

Back to Thomas's POV

I told Gzi about Kaori, how we met and who is she. I was doing most of the talk, for Gzi she didn't say almost anything after I mentioned Kaori.

I noticed that she's not himself, I guessed that she's tired it's already late anyway so I ended the call with her.

Without realizing I found myself thinking about...Gzi.

tomorrow I'll confess to her and tell her the 3 words that I've been dying to tell her in so long.

Never let go of my hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster Story)Where stories live. Discover now