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~Ashley's POV

Kaori finally got out from the hospital, me and the girls did a small party for her. We danced and sang and did a food fight it was great.

However Kaori wasn't herself at all, ever since she got here she was faking smiles, the girls didn't notice but I can see it in her eyes, she's hurt.

At midnight we decided to call it a night. Me and Kaori went to our bedroom after we said goodnight to each other.
"Hey Kao? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I started as I locked the door. "Sure, what's up?" She replied with the same fake smile.

"Did you tell Thomas that you're leaving tomorrow?" I asked as I walked up to her. Her face went pale, and her body started shaking. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"Kaori" I called again. "Ash.." her voice was shaking, she looked at me with brown eyes full of tears. I quickly hugged her, she hugged me back but tighter.

She cried and cried none stopping. Without even knowing what's going on I started to cry too.

After she calmed down a little and washed her face, she told me everything happened when she went to the studio to see Thomas, it hurt me to see my friend suffering like this.

I was the one who encouraged her to not give up and now she's the only one that ended up being hurt and without even trying.

Just when I was about to start a conversation and try to cheer her up she was already sleeping. I let her be.

I left our apartment and went to find miss Anna luckily she was awake. "What are you doing here? You suppose to be sleeping right now" she started.

"I am sorry for bothering you but I need to talk to you, it's important" I said being all serious.

"What is it?" She asked me, I can see she's curious. "I want to go back to Israel with Kaori"

"Ashley we talked about this, I can't send you back unless it's an emergency situation, I am sorry" she sighed in annoyance.

"I know, but I can't leave her what if something happened"
"Nothing's gonna happen, she's not going alone, one of our guides will go with her, ok?" She said not giving up and I wasn't either.

I tried to talk to her but she kept on her word eventually I lost.
The next morning I helped Kaori packing her last stuff in her suitcase.
"This is it, I really enjoyed my time with you guys" Kaori said giving us big sis hugs.

"It won't be fun without you around" Sarah said and we nod in agreement. "Yeah I'll miss you disappearing and get on the teacher's nerves" Emily commented and we all laughed.

"I wish I could go with you, I'll miss you so much" I said as I gived her another hug. "I'll miss you too, thank you for being my friend and being there for me" she whispered.

"Dude our first rule on being sisters is not thanking each other remember? Besides I'll always be there for you when you need me, little sis" I whispered back. "Yeah love you big sis" "love you too"

"Ok Kaori it's time for you to go home, and here's your phone we fixed it" The teacher said as she handed her, her phone.

After that she left.

~Thomas's POV

Three days have passed since I last saw Kaori. I tried to call and text her so many times but she never answered any of them. I started to get worried and that's when I had enough.

I went to the university, as I was walking in the hallways I saw Ashley walking, I called her name. She stopped and turned facing me.

"Thomas? What are you doing here?" She asked me as I reached her.
"I'll explain later, where's Kaori I tried to connect with her in the past few days but couldn't reach her is she ok?" I said all in one breath.

"You don't know?" She asked me. "What are you talking about? What do I not know?" I asked clueless.

"Kaori went back to Israel 3 days ago"

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