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"Congratulations Miss Kai for being the worlds youngest gold medalist! What would you like to say to all the folks that watching live right now? Any tips for swimmer like you?"

The archer man of one of the world news channel ask the young swimmer who was wearing her swimsuit with a jacket havering over her shoulder and gold medals around her neck shine, with droopy ocean green eyes she stared at the camera.

"Don't pollute the ocean and don't throw garbage in any beach or water resources. Karma is bad."

She simple said before she walk away from the crowed as she enter the van that been lean for this kind of event of her country.

And that ended the news of the new Olympic gold medalist.

"Woah that girl really is kind ! And she's a good swimmer too!"

Wakasa who just watch the news said with a big smile on his face that was so close his mini TV. He don't expect someone is so kind to said that to world after winning! He want to meet her but to bad that's unlikely' he thought sadly.

"Ahh, she's coming back huh." Tatsumi mumble as he seat beside the tub and stared at the small TV with his head lying on his palm.

"Yeah~ the country must welcome her back warmly because the glory she brought back!"

Wakasa nodded his head still remembering the ocean green eyed swimmer on his mind.

"I don't think, K would stay in a party or in crowded places that much as she rather be in a water."

The human teen utter with familiarity with the said person that cause the merman to stare at him with confuse stare.

"K-k?? Why are you calling her like that and it seems like you know her to say that ?"

The merman ask as he look away from his magazine, giving all his attention to his landlord.

"Will she live here with my grandparents since she's someone that being taken care by them since they found her in the beach alone and without memory."

And wakasa rips the magazine in haft in the state of surprise and bewildered.


Ocean ((Merman in my tub fan fiction ))Where stories live. Discover now