Its not awkward 2

71 8 5

(A/N Hey guys sorry this took a while Im not to pleased with the story so far but I'll stick at it for now. Should I carry on? Thanks xx)


I ran my fingers over the keyboard, probably messing up every single chord because my mind was elsewhere.

I could not stop thinking about that boy. That short boy with messy black hair. That sort of awkward boy with memorable hazel eyes. That boys who's name I wanted to know. More importantly, I wanted his name to roll of my tongue perfectly and send shivers (the good kind) down my spine.

I left the practice room about 20 minutes later. I hadn't actually practised much. Still I had 'that boy' on my mind. I was walking past the lockers when I heard a tapping against one of the doors .

Luckily, for whoever was shoved in there, this shitty school didn't have locks on the lockers just a small handle. I opened the locker when all of a sudden a person fell flat on top of me, crushing me to the ground.

"Oh my... I'm so so sorry."

I chuckled under my breath as the person scrambled to their feet. He stood up and brushed his hand over his black skinnies when he flicked his black hair out of his face. I recognised him almost instantly.

"Hey. Your the kid that rocks on the guitar."

He looked at me his pale cheeks Turing a light shade of pink. Wait?! Why is he blushing. I'm not complaining he looked even cuter when he blushed. But was this a little awkward for him?

"Yeah ... I ... I am" Bashfully he looked at his feet.

I stood up remembering that I was still on the floor. I probably shouldn't of stared at the poor boy but I couldn't help admiring his adorable features ...

"I'm Gerard. And you are?"

"Frank" He replied almost instantly and i liked that.

"Frank.." I tested out his name and loved the very feel of it as it escaped my mouth. "Nice name.."

"Erm... Should I leave.."

"NO!.. I ERM .. I well you don't have to..."

He giggled making me feel less awkward.

"Do you want to meet at lunch or sometime?"

"Lunch would be nice." He smiled.

"Great see you at lunch.." I couldn't help but smile a cheesy grin at this. Frank wanted to meet ME at lunch. I was so happy!


The minutes felt like hours as I was waiting for lunch. I had looked for Frank at lunch and was disappointed when he was no where to be seen.

I waited and waited for that damn bell to ring but instead I was given dirty looks, occasional shoves and a few names thrown my way by the popular kids In the class.


"Asshole" I replied quiet enough so no one could here.

At last the bell rang! I gathered my things and basically ran to the canteen!

I looked everywhere and with no luck there was no sign of Frank anywhere.

I left the canteen and trailed to the boys toilets. Where was Frank? Did I scare him of? I wish I wasn't so unlike able . People only had to take one look at me and they didn't like me. I bet he thought I was just some freak!

Just then I heard a whimpering sound inside the toilets. I edged through the door and the sniffing and crying stopped.

"Hello?" I asked

I noticed one of the cubicles were locked and I tapped on the door .

" Um.. Is everything okay?" I waited longer this time until I received a response.

"No... Im not...oh...fucking...kay." I recognised his voice even between sniffs.

"Open the door Frank" And with that the door clicked open. I saw Frank sat on the floor, tears streaming down his face, with his arms tucked around his waist as he rocked himself forward and back.

"Oh Frankie."

(A/N Are these to short? I'll try and make them longer Thank you if your still reading I will improve just give me chance Thank you SO SO much! xxxx)

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