I'm a new witch, early in my ways. This is my diary, my book of shadows. I take spells I find and put them in this book. I'm not great at creating spells but with practice maybe I can become great.
Take what you learn and use it in the world.
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Wear them or have them close by you so they can protect you always.
Protection spells for friends/family.
Ingredients Salt Rosemary Angelica Dandelion Fluff Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, or Garnet Name of your friend on a slip of paper White Sachet
Steps Fill your sachet with the herbs, friend's name and piece of crystal of your choice
"I send you protection from all that may harm you, I send you the wish of safety, I send you the energies to keep you out of harms way."
Tie your sachet shut and gently kiss it it focusing on your desires to send your friend protection
place your sachet in a window, if you can crack the window open to help send the energies to your friend.
Spell by themanicnami on tumblr. ....... My own spell
Spirits of the East, North, South and West. Hear my plea! Child of (whoever) Protect me from the evil around me! Protect me from those who would do evil to me! From now till forever.