Samhain Oct 31
This is the time where the veil to our world and the next world is open so take this and use it to connect with your ancestors, past loved ones, dead lovers, or even maybe future dead in laws. You should also honor the dead this night. This night represent rebirth and death.Litha aka Summer Solstic
Summer Solstic or litha which ever you choose to call it is the peak of fertility and the celebration of the sun. Which makes sense since it is the summer Solstic. And summer is hot depending on where your from.Yule aka Winter Solstic
As the sun begins making its way back to the other side of the earth the times focuses on rebirth and renewal. This is also a "New beginning"Imbolc Feb 1 & Feb 2
Beginning of spring. A Festival of Lights. Some do rituals aimed to the seasons. And others celebrate the goddess of fire and fertility. Also known as Goddess Brighid.Ostara aka Spring Equinox
Goddess Eostre who is the goddess of dawn, new beginnings, fertility and rebirth is worshipped at this time. But if you don't worship gods and goddess don't feel like you have to. Spring Equinox is also the official first day of spring of course that is on the pagan wheel.Beltane aka the last night of April then going in May 1
Beltane is the time of Goddess Brighid. Why I say this is because it is the time of fire and fertility. This is also the time to welcome the fertility the earth has to offer.Lammas aka Aug 1
Is the beginning of the end of summer. Bittersweet really. Summer will soon end but at the end you can celebrate the first harvest. The pagan tradition of celebrating this bittersweet celebration is bread baking. Don't worry if the bread is terrible you tried your best. This is suppose to be fun.Mahon aka autumn equinox
This is the second harvest or thanksgiving. Time to let the herb you are harvesting dry so you can use them later whether your using them in a spell or using them in your cooking.
Book of shadows
SpiritualI'm a new witch, early in my ways. This is my diary, my book of shadows. I take spells I find and put them in this book. I'm not great at creating spells but with practice maybe I can become great. Take what you learn and use it in the world.