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Amulets are good for people who feel lack of energy or they prepare themselves for some situation which seems to be difficult. Amulet gives its holder inner power, confidence and trust during tough times.

Amulet can be some jewellery, a stone or any other object, preferably some natural material.

Here are some ways to do it

The most common and effective protection amulet is the protection sachet.

For this sachet, you will need three, seven or nine protection herbs to add to it.

The reason for these number are because these are powerful in magic

Take a bowl and pestle and take a pinch of each herb and mix them together while visualizing your intention for the amulet.

Once you're done mixing, take the herbs and pour them into the center of a piece of red or white cloth.

Then gather the corners of the fabric, take a piece of red or white string or thread and tie the corners together creating a small pouch.

Remember, throughout the creation process you should be visualizing the result you want as if it has already happened.

You can hold your visualization for as long as you want and once you feel like you can stop the amulet is complete!

Carry this amulet with you or hang it up in your house or car, wherever you would like protection.

If you are leaving it in your car, place it above or under the driver's seat. If you are making it for your house make a few more and place them in various rooms in your house for some extra bite.

Another protection amulet you can make and carry with you is collecting small twigs of oak or rowan. Take these twigs and create a plus sign and bind them together using white or red thread.

As you're creating this remember to hold your visualization for as long as you can, focus on your intention.

You can also create a pentacle with the twigs if you like that instead.

As you're creating this remember to hold your visualization for as long as you can, focus on your intention.


What you will need:
Four violet candles
Matches or lighter
7 tea-lights

Best time
Start this ritual in the day of dark moon. Then, you will charge the amulet every day till the next dark moon (28 days).

Ritual instructions
1. Place the amulet on the altar and place four violet candles around it.

2. Make a magic circle around you: best is to make a circle from 7 white tea-lights on the material level combined with strong visualization of light in the clockwise direction.

3. Ask for help Powers of Light and visualize the energy flowing into the amulet. Ask masters/angels to load the amulet with their pure energies. Charge the amulet with the power of positive affirmation. For example "I am power (You have to believe in what you are saying.) You (we are speaking about the amulet) are power. And we are one!"

4. When we feel it was enough, we thank to God Almighty, masters and angels for their help and support.

5. Remove the magic circle in the counter-clockwise direction. Blow out the tea-lights.Don't blow out the violet candles. Let them burn, at least next four hours, possibly more.

6. Light the candles every day and concentrate on the amulet, saying positive affirmations you have decided to use. After 28 days of work, give to the amulet one drop of your blood and the amulet is ready.

7. Carry the amulet on your skin and take it everywhere with you.

My Own Spells

Call upon Archangel Micheal to bless your amulet for protection.

Light a candle that associates with it.

Im adding something to this spell if you do not own any candles or have no working matches or lighter skip this.

Kiss your amulet and send your good vibes to it.

And wait for the next morning.

Also if you don't want it for protection or you have other amulets you want for other things call upon the other Archangel you want to bless the amulet.
Witches of the earth, sea, air, and fire.
Hear this witches words.
I ask for your help to power this charm.
Make it be a weapon against the darkness. Against evil.
Please my sister, my brothers, my family, help me!
So mote it be!!

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