You can ask Archangels for help with certain spells, sigils, etc.
Archangel Micheal - An amazing defender and protector.
Archangel Raphael- Divine healer of Physical Ailments.
Archangel Azrael- Benevolent Transformer of mental and emotional anxieties.
Archangel Uriel- Divine pilar of solitary strength.
Archangel Chamuel- Divine benefactor of unconditional love. (My favorite one)
Archangel Haniel- Divine healer of families and relationships
Archangel Gabriel- Great Messenger
Archangel Ariel- Great Earth Mother
Archangel Metatron- Great Instigator of Powerful Change
Archangel Zadkiel- Divine guide of life path and sexuality.
Archangel Jeremiel- Divine deliverer of mercy and grace.
Archangel Jophiel- Great Giver of Joy.
Archangel Raguel- Divine Peacekeeper of Earth and Heaven. Also Justice
Archangel Raziel- Divine keeper of mysteries.
Archangel Sandalphon- Divine Nurturer
Archangel Barachiel- Divine Facilitator of Miraculous Occurences.
Book of shadows
SpiritualI'm a new witch, early in my ways. This is my diary, my book of shadows. I take spells I find and put them in this book. I'm not great at creating spells but with practice maybe I can become great. Take what you learn and use it in the world.