Today I have lost a friend. They did not die, no more we just can't be friends anymore. We believe different things and have different opinions about what has happened.
As witches our emotions hold power just as our intentions do. I am angry, I am hurt, and I am sad. Some witches may use this anger and sadness to hurt those they once cared for. This is not what we should do.
Now I am all for one getting what they deserve but in this situation is it what they deserve or is it just your emotions speaking?
In life I have learned that we will lose people and we will gain people. I have lost someone. It hurts yes but I will be strong and I will hold my head up high.
During this time a saying I have heard comes to mind. You have all heard the saying "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth". It is a very popular one, but the saying I think of is the latter one "If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also" Mathew 5:39. Now I am not religious. Not one bit. But in this situation I turn to this verse. I will not strike back. I will not use my emotions nor my power for vengeance. I will learn from this and grow stronger.
This I promise.
May the Gods bless you all, show you the truth, and may you all feel love.
So mote it be.
Book of shadows
SpiritualI'm a new witch, early in my ways. This is my diary, my book of shadows. I take spells I find and put them in this book. I'm not great at creating spells but with practice maybe I can become great. Take what you learn and use it in the world.