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from december 24 of 2018

"I'm so sorry, Akamatsu-san..." a dark-haired boy muttered under his breath, deliberately resting his hand on the blondes. The certain girl had attempted to take her own life for an unidentified reason, which troubled the boy deeply. Saihara Shuuichi stared at Akamatsu Kaede's empty face. He was clouded with worry, utterly concerned about the poor girl. He was ecstatic that she had managed to survive her attempt but overly concerned and confused as to why she would attempt suicide in the first place.

"She still out?" A certain girl questioned, the tapping of her shoes startling Saihara. "Ah, y-yeah...she hasn't woken up yet." He said, looking at the brunette that had walked into the room. "Can you go for a minute, Saihara-kun?" Harukawa Maki, the brunette, whispered to the taller male. "Oh, y-yeah.." Saihara whispered, standing up and taking his leave. Harukawa took his seat and replaced his hand with hers. Once Saihara got into the hall, he saw a certain someone he loved deeply sitting down silently in the hall. "Oh, Shuuichi!" The purplenette exclaimed, standing up. Saihara smiled ever so slightly, "Hey, Kaito.."

"I know this is tough, but she'll get through this and be great again in no time!" The astronaut reassured, embracing the detective and patting the said boys back. Saihara hugged back, resting his head on the taller male's shoulder. Momota Kaito moved his arms to Saihara's waist, hoisting him up to the detective's surprise. "Eh?...K-Kaito..." Saihara stammered, color drawing onto his cheeks quickly. "What? Me and Harumaki walked here since our house is a couple of blocks away, so why not carry you!" Momota explained, smiling. "Y-you don't-"

"But I want to. Consider it a nice gesture from your boyfriend!" The astronaut said. Saihara smiled slightly, burying his face in the crook of the purplenette's neck. The astronaut didn't have much of a struggle carrying the dark haired boy home, considering he was unusually light. Momota dug his keys out of his jacket pocket, spinning them in the lock until he heard the satisfying click of the door unlocking. He hurried inside, kicking the door shut as he sat his timid boyfriend on the couch. The said detective rested his balled up hands on his thighs, crossing his ankles. Momota took a teapot out of the cabinet and filled it with water.
Saihara let out a short, quiet yawn after his reply, which made Momota chuckle as he leaned against the counter, waiting for the tea to be done. Once the teapot began making the high-pitched screeching indicating it was done, the astronaut put a bit of milk in it.

"Teas done." The taller boy said, walking over with two burning cups of tea. "Thank you, Kaito." The dark haired boy said, smiling softly. He put his cup on a coaster on the table as Momota sat, repeating what Saihara did. The detective leaned on Momota's shoulder, resting his head on it. The said astronaut wrapped his arm around Saihara, pulling him closer.

"Cartoons?" Momota asked, looking at his boyfriend. "I wanna play some games," Saihara replied, looking up at Momota with a small smile painted on his face. "Sounds good!" Momota grabbed at the two remotes they had, and the two began playing childish games like Minecraft and Slime Rancher on the XBOX Momota owned.

"Tired already?" Momota snickered, running a hand through Saihara's nicely brushed hair. "Dude, we've been playing games and chugging tea for five hours," Saihara replied, snickering. Momota chuckled. "Get an update on Akamatsu from Harumaki." Saihara nodded and pulled out his phone, the brightness hurting his tired eyes.

Shuichi is typing...
How is Akamatsu?

There was a long pause between the reply, about ten minutes at least.

Maki is typing...
She's awake. I told her you would visit in the morning.

Saihara smiled at the reply. "She's okay." He confirmed, pocketing his phone and resting his head on Momota's chest as they cuddled on the couch. "That's good." The astronaut replied. There was a long silence. It wasn't tense or uncomfortable, just welcoming and peaceful. When Momota realized something, he spoke, "Shuuichi?" The detective was out cold, snoring quietly. Momota chuckled and closed his eyes, leaning his head against the arm of the couch.

That was just a small memory Saihara had as he hyperventilated, scared and overly pained at his situation. His hands moved deliberately as he tried to grab at the pole that was impaled in him as his best friend and boyfriend panicked in front of him.

"Y-you'll be okay..." Momota muttered, clearly crying. Saihara threw up a bit of blood as he shakily shrieked in horror and pain, vision blurring slowly as the astronaut pulled the pole out of his abdomen. The purplenette ripped off his jacket and wrapped it around Saihara's wound, which was gushing blood. Momota hugged Saihara. He didn't want to lose him, he was terrified about losing him. Ouma Kokichi stared from behind, utterly horrified by the gory sight. He tightly held his phone, too traumatized to dial the number he had put in.

"I won't let you die!!" Momota yelled although it was obvious he couldn't do anything more. The life was obviously fading from Saihara's weak body, and at a quick pace too. The said detective shakily placed his hands on Momota's cheeks. The two shared one last kiss. "I...i'm sca...red....i...don't wa...nt...to....di...e..." The detective admitted, moving his hands to the astronaut's shoulders. "I know, I know...I...I won't let you die..." Momota muttered, realizing he was promising the impossible.

Eventually but rather quickly, Saihara laid his head on Momota's shoulder, shutting his eyes as he passed. Momota had a breakdown, which he would explain as weak, and Ouma had passed out, his phone hitting the floor.

Saihara Shuuichi was dead, and Momota Kaito was left alone.

Years past. Saihara had a big funeral that all his friends plus his uncle attended, everyone confused and weeping, other than a few. No one truly knew what happened, not even Ouma or Momota.

Momota visited Saihara's grave whenever he had time, bringing some type of flower each time. Momota always brought asters and morning glory's on Saihara's birthday, knowing it was his birth month flower.

Saihara always watched over Momota, always happy when he visited. He always listened in on what Momota had to say, although he knew the said astronaut couldn't see or hear him.

Even so, Momota knew Saihara was with him forever. He always felt the warmth of him there when he was sad. He knew it, and it made him happy.

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