- First kiss -

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"You wanna...kiss me?" Kaito asks, tilting his head. "So you did hear me. You were spacin' out for a while," Shuuichi turns away nervously.  The question 'can I kiss you' spilled from Shuuichi's lips so suddenly and startled Kaito. "Y'know, you're really somethin', hm?" He chuckles, looking down. "If you're gonna decline, you can say no instead of saying what ya always say," Shuuichi sits down next to him on the couch and flicks his forehead.

"Hey!" Kaito yelps, slapping his hand away. "But really," the smaller boy laughs, "Can I? Don't dodge the question this time." Kaito stares at him for a few seconds, bringing color to his cheeks. "Mm, yeah, you can," He nods nervously. Shuuichi nods as well, taking in a deep breath. Now that this was actually happening, he realized how nervous he was. He wipes his clammy hands across his thighs quickly, then scoots closer to the taller boy. Kaito squeezes his eyes shut. Shuuichi slowly places his hand on his shoulder and sighs shakily. He was really gonna do it.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. Kaito leaned forward, thinking maybe he could make a move, and was met with a sharp pain in his forehead instead of the kiss he was expecting. "Ow!" Shuuichi exclaims. His eyes shoot open. "Shit! 'M sorry dude, you alright?" Instead of a reply, Shuuichi bursts out laughing with a hand on his forehead. Kaito joins in a few seconds later. After a good couple of minutes laughing, the smaller boy sighs happily and shifts a little. "Okay, dumbass, stay still." Kaito nods, shutting his eyes once more.

Shuuichi scoots closer, sitting in his lap carefully. Then he leans in, closing the gap between them. Shuuichi's lips were soft. On the other hand, Kaito's were a bit more chapped, though the other boy didn't care at all. Kaito pressed his lips into the others, nervous about not doing the right thing. He felt a little more confident after though when Shuuichi scooted closer, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. After a few more seconds, Kaito pulls away for air. "Wow, uh, shit..." he mumbles. Shuuichi chuckles, "Y-Yeah, really," he pushes his hair back a bit.

Kaito puts his hand on his shoulder and pulls him in for another kiss. It was much more confident on both ends. Shuuichi sighs softly and puts one hand on Kaito's cheek, the other trailing down to his waist. Meanwhile, both of Kaito's hands were resting on Shuuichi's hips. The smaller of the two ends up pulling away first. They were both panting at this point. "I-I asked for a kiss, not a whole make out session," Shuuichi mumbles, giggling softly. Kaito laughs and pecks his cheeks, "Idiot. You liked it anyways." Shuuichi smiles brightly, "I did. Doesn't mean I can't say the truth," he flicks his nose. Kaito snorts, "Stop doing that, or else i'm gonna get ya back, and you won't like it!" The smaller smirks and flicks him again, "Whatcha gonna do, smooch me to death?"

"Even worse," Kaito smiles, and begins tickling him. Shuuichi instantly bursts out laughing, falling back against the couch, "Shit, no! I take it back, I take it back!" He squeals, his laughter growing more high pitched by the second. Kaito goes for all his sensitive spots, knowing where every single one is at this point. Tears from laughing so much begin to well up in his eyes, "No more, no more!!" He pleads, attempting to push Kaito away. "Alright, alright," the taller pulls his hands away, leaving Shuuichi a giggling mess. Kaito snorts, lifting him back up into a sitting position.

After he calms down, Shuuichi hugs him happily. Kaito smiles and hugs him back, giving him a squeeze. He gets a giggle in return. "I-I love you, Kaito," he says softly, looking up at him. Kaito's face instantly goes red, the sparkle in the other boys eyes not helping at all. "I-I-...um...I love y-you too," he chokes out. Shuuichi laughs and pecks his chin, snuggling closer in his arms.

word count: 684
i'm bad at consistent updates so take this as some apology

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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