- Piggyback Ride -

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wrote this today/yesterday. i'm pretty happy with this so i hope y'all like it 😳
"A-A piggyback ride...? Right now?" Shuuichi tilts his head at what the astronaut in front of him had just said. His day was going rather normally until Kaito approached him, claiming he wanted to do something. And then he brought up giving the detective a piggyback ride. "Why not?" Kaito says, flashing a smile, "It won't do any harm! C'mon!" Shuuichi looks at Kaito, lifting his hat a tiny bit to get a better look at him. "Isn't that a bit...childish?" The astronaut pouts, "Nothing is ever too childish! C'mon, get on my back!!"

The astronaut squats down, looking back at the detective with a hopeful smile. Shuuichi sighs and slowly climbs onto his back, "If I get too heavy or anything, you can put me down..." Kaito beams, "Nonsense! You're pretty light anyways, it shouldn't be a problem!" Kaito is pretty hefty, so he could probably hold him up for awhile. He slowly stands up, putting his arms under Shuuichi's knees.

"You ready?"
"Ready for wha--haah?!"
Kaito starts running. Shuuichi quickly grabs onto his shoulders, "M-Momota-kun! Slow d-down, i'll--" "Fall? Don't sweat it! I won't let you!" Shuuichi squeals, "Slow down at least!!" So, Kaito spent most of their afternoon running around with Shuuichi on his back, dodging anyone or anything in the way. As they make their way around the school, they run into a problem, "M-Momota-kun, slow down!! You're gonna--"

And down the stairs they go. "Shoot--" Kaito yelps. He loses his footing, and down the two go. When Shuuichi finally arrives at the end of his fall, he realizes he didn't land on the cold hard floor. Instead, he realizes that he's on top of Kaito. When he opens his eyes, he's met with a shocked look and a flushed face that belongs to the said astronaut, his hands on his waist. Shuuichi feels his face go red as he realizes their position.

"M-Momota I-" Shuuichi quickly gets off of him. "I-I'm sorry...!" and off the detective goes. Before Kaito can stop him. He sighs and hops up, quickly following the detective. And as Shuuichi runs away, he makes a sudden realization. 'My hat is gone!' he halts almost instantly, placing his hands on his head. And he was right. His hat was long gone. Kaito quickly catches sight of him and runs to his side. "Shuuichi, you--what's wrong?" The astronaut notices his distressed look and instantly worries.

"My-my hat..." Shuuichi whimpers, turning to Kaito with his hands on his head and tears in his eyes. The said boy hesitates, then smiles and places his hand on Shuuichi's head. He ruffles his hair, "Hey! This isn't the time...!" Shuuichi whines. "Sorry, sorry. But you look better without your hat! I get to see your pretty, golden eyes, and—" Kaito stops once he realizes what he said. Shuuichi's face is red. The two stand there in shocked silence.

"Pre-pretend I didn't say th-that..." Kaito stutters, placing his hand over his face. "Y-Y-Yeah, no-no problem..." Shuuichi turns away. And then the awkward silence. "...Actually..." The astronaut steps towards the detective, tilting his chin up a bit. Shuuichi blushes more and quickly turns back towards him in confusion, "Wh-What're you d-doing...?" Kaito stops, staring into the detectives eyes. "M-...Kaito..." Shuuichi mumbles after a few moments, completely confused by his actions.

And then Kaito leans in. Shuuichi's eyes widen in pure shock as his lips meet his. It takes a good minute for the astronaut to realize what he just did. His face goes at least 6 shades of mahogany and he grabs Shuuichi's shoulders, quickly pushing him away. His grip on his shoulders stays strong as they stare at each other in pure shock. "K-Kaito, wha-?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I wasn't...thinking..." Kaito mumbles the last part, turning away moments after. Shuuichi pushes Kaito's hands off his shoulders. "Sh-Shuuichi? Are you mad at me or something? It would be reasonable if--" The detective quickly hugs the astronaut, "I...I love you, Kaito..." Shuuichi mutters, looking down. Kaito's eyes widen before a smile adorns his face. "I love you, too, Shuuichi. Today was fun."

Shuuichi chuckles softly, "It was. I'm glad I didn't do what I was planning to do."
"Well, what were you planning to do?"
"Decline your offer and take a nap."
The two laugh lightheartedly. Kaito pulls away from the hug and grabs his hand, "C'mon, Shuuichi! Let's go do something else!" He beams. Shuuichi chuckles, "Like what? There's not much to do around here..." Kaito nudges him lightly, "Of course there is! Like training!!" The detective groans, "Kaito, no, i'm too tired..."

"Oh, you're just being stubborn! Come onnn!!" Kaito tugs at his hand. And considering how hard he pulled and how light Shuuichi was, all he could do was accept the fact that Kaito would probably drag him all the way to their normal training spot rather easily. And he was right. Shuuichi groans quietly, "Kaitooo...I'm tired..." Kaito let's go of his hand, taking a few steps forward and turning back towards him. He puts his hands on his hips. "Get down." "What?"

The astronaut laughs, "Get down. Do 50."
"You heard me!"
Shuuichi sighs and drops down on the ground, beginning his forced push-ups. He lets out a groan or grunt at each, sometimes both. Kaito squats down in front of him, "You got this, Shuuichi!" The detective lifts his head up and looks at the other boy, "Y-You're..." Kaito smiles brightly, "Helping you with your self-confidence? Of course!" The astronaut pats his shoulder and giggles.

Kaito continues to yell encouraging things at Shuuichi until he finishes his push-ups. The moment he gets to 50, he collapses onto his stomach panting. "Good job, Shuuichi! You did great!!" Kaito yells. He beams at him. Shuuichi smiles softly, but proudly, "Th-thank you..." Kaito lends him a hand and pulls him up, "Jeez, you're all sweaty. Go take a quick shower n come back out here, k?" Shuuichi nods with a bit of confusion, wobbling off to his room.

After a quick, cold shower, Shuuichi quickly gets into something warm and makes his way back out to the courtyard. "Took ya long enough!" Kaito laughs. It seems he took a shower himself. "You...have your hair down..." Shuuichi comments, stopping at Kaito's side, "I like it. You look cute." The astronauts face instantly heats up, which he quickly turns away to hide, "I-I'm not...cute." he mumbles. Shuuichi laughs, "Oh, but of course. My apologies. A manly man like you couldn't possibly be cute--"

"Well, maybe i'm cute! I am cute!" Kaito snaps, sharply turning back towards the detective. Shuuichi only laughs as the realization of what he just said hit Kaito like a truck. "I-I mean-" "You can't take that back and you know it." The astronaut huffs quietly, "I can and I will!" Kaito lifts Shuuichi up by the waist, which makes the said boy yelp in surprise, "H-Huh?!" Kaito laughs and starts spinning him in circles. The two laugh happily. Until Kaito tilts back, "Wh-" and he falls backwards to the ground, Shuuichi tumbling down on top of him.

"Ahah, that wasn't such a good idea," Kaito chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, really," Shuuichi replies, giggling softly. The astronaut smiles, "I love ya, Shuuichi. Never forget that."

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