- Punishment Gone Wrong...in a Good Way? -

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from july 13 of this year
Shuuichi had no idea how this happened. It began with Kokichi joking about how he would kill someone to get out. And then it turned to a fight. And led to death. Shuuichi got so upset when Kokichi began naming off each person, wondering how he could kill them. Until it came to Kaito. The detective and astronaut began dating not too long ago. Kaito knows that Shuuichi was a bit fragile, but knows he can pick himself back up with some help, and Shuuichi knows that Kaito doesn't like to seem weak.

At first, Kokichi and Shuuichi were simply walking around, following the orders of Kaede, who told them to explore the new areas. Despite his hopes of exploring with Kaito, the detective couldn't help but want to find out more about Ouma. As the two walked towards the exisal hangar, the two made some small talk. Until Kokichi brought up a topic Shuuichi wasn't exactly excited to discuss.

"So, Saihara-chan, who do you think will die first?" Kokichi chirps. Shuuichi looks at him suddenly, "Wh-What kind of question is that..?!" As the two step into the hangar, they stop near the press. "Who do you think would be easiest to kill? Who do you think I could kill?" Kokichi snickers. Shuuichi's eyes widen when Kokichi begins listing off weaknesses. "Let's start with Akamatsu-chan." He smirks, "She has far too much trust and belief in everyone, she pushes everyone. It would be exciting to see someone turn on her! And Kiibo could easily be disabled or broken~! He is only just a silly scrap of metal, nishishi!"

"O-Ouma-kun...What are you talking about?!" Shuuichi snaps, narrowing his eyes. Kokichi only lets out a sinister giggle before continuing, "Yumeno-chan's an easy kill! She's soooooo lazy! And Chabashira-chan's so busy protecting her that she would be an easy target too!" The leader continues to list off weaknesses of each person, until it comes down to one that really sets him off. "And you're beloved Momota...He trusts everyone so easily, so a stab in the back would be interesting...and fun! He would waste sooo much time protecting you! He'd probably die for you!"

"And you, Saihara-chan, you're so vulnerable it's unbelievable!" The leader takes a step towards the detective and cups his cheeks, some hair going under his hands. The said boy's protective instincts kick in, and he pushes Kokichi back, "Stay back! What is this abou-" Shuuichi stops as the other boy trips backwards on a thick wire leading to the hydraulic press behind them. As he falls, something small and thin falls out of Kokichi's hand, yet Shuuichi doesn't notice. Kokichi's upper body falls back onto the press. He lets out a giggle, "I was just joking ykno-" And then there was a huge crunching sound. Bones cracking. Blood splatters out from the hydraulic press as the leader's upper body is crushed. It takes a few minutes for Shuuichi to process what happened.

"Wh...What...?" He mutters, unable to fully understand what just happened. Tears come to eyes as he searches for an answer in his mind. "The press....w-was never turn-turned on...then why..." Shuuichi lets out a horrified whimper. He now knows his fate. He has to lie to try and get out of this mess he pulled himself into. And he has an idea.

Shuuichi runs down the hall as fast as he can, his plan is all he can think of as he tries to find who is closest. Kaede decided that her and Kaito would check out the labs near the exisal hangar, so it isn't a surprise to him when he sees them near Kiibo's lab. "Kaito! Kaede!!" He yells out, blinking his tears away. Shuuichi stops in front of the two with a panicked look on his face. "What's the matter, Shuuichi?" Kaito says, giving him a worried look the moment he notices his panic. "K-Kokichi he...while we were exploring, I-I lost him....and when I had found him he...he..." Shuuichi feels tears coming to his eyes again. He blinks them away as Kaito and Kaede both give him a shocked look. "Lead us to him!" Kaede pleads. Shuuichi does as told, and the three run back to the hangar.

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