- Fallen -

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tw: suicide
finished writing this a minute or so ago. i like this so i hope y'all do too
kaito was letting his stubbornness get in the way again. this time, he believes, he lost a friend because of it. he knew shuuichi had no choice when choosing gonta, yet he was still pissed off to the point of distancing himself. maybe he just didn't want to believe it. maybe he just couldn't accept the fact that gonta had killed miu. either way, he was being too judgy.

the astronauts thoughts began to piss him off. he forced himself to believe distancing himself was for the better for the 5th time that day. he pushes himself off of his bed and stretches, 'i should get some air' he thinks. he grabs his jacket and pulls it on, heading for his door. just as he enters the hall, he hears another unlock nearby. just to not be seen, kaito quickly pulls his door back closed, leaving a bit of peeking space.

it was shuuichi. the said boy slowly pulled his door closed, looking around before letting out a deep sigh and walking out of the dorms. curious about his seemingly down mood, kaito decides to follow him. keeping a good distance between them, the astronaut follows the detective to the academy, then up the stairs. by the time shuuichi reaches the 3rd floor, kaito began to predict where he was going. he considered a few options, but pushed them aside to stay focused.

shuuichi keeps on going up until he reaches the 5th floor. he stops at the top of the stairs. kaito quickly backs behind the corner in the stairwell as to not get caught. which was a good idea, considering shuuichi took a glance back. then, the detective made his way to the roof staircase. "why would he...?" kaito mumbles. maybe he just wants some fresh air as well. as kaito reaches the bottom of the stairs, he looks up to see the door wide open. curiously, he climbs the stairs nonchalantly.

but the sight that greets his eyes is so overbearing that he lets out a startled gasp.

shuuichi quickly turns back to look at him from where he's standing. the two stare at each other in complete, utter silence. "sh...shuuichi...ge-get down from-from there..." kaito mumbles, taking a step forward. the detective adjusts his footing on the thin, black railing a bit. shuuichi only smiles sadly, tears streaming down his face, which was adorned with a nervous look.

"i love you, kaito"

and shuuichi leans back. kaito gasps and steps forward. but he's too late. the detectives falling or already fallen by now. but he isn't just gonna give up. backing up, kaito turns around and makes a run for it, skipping step after step. despite him knowing he's too late, his heart screams for him to keep going. to get there. but for what? what other than a body will be there? the astronaut trips more times than he can count, but he just gets back up and keeps going. the moment he finally gets to his destination, he swears that the sight before him is a figure of his immense fatigue.

"kaito. i saw him falling. he tried to commit suicide, but i assume by how you look like death, you knew that already" maki says, looking at kaito with a sobbing shuuichi in her arms. "maki..." the astronaut mumbles, utterly shocked at the scene before his eyes. "k-k-kaito, i..." shuuichi whimpers, choking back his tears. "thank you, maki." kaito says, slowly taking the detective from the assassins arms. "c-cmon, shuuichi." the astronaut carries the other boy all the way back to his room, kicking the door closed behind them and placing the detective on the bed softly. the two sit there in silence for a long time.

"why?" kaito mumbles, finally turning to shuuichi. "wh-what...?" the said boy looks up at him curiously. "why...why would you do that...?!" the astronaut yells, approaching shuuichi. the detective flinches, expecting a punch and a motivating speech due to kaito's balled up fist. but all he does is look down. "k...kaito..." shuuichi gently runs his fingers over kaito's cheek. "don't—" kaito stops. he puts his hand down instead of pulling shuuichi's hand away from his cheek. instead, the astronaut places his hand over shuuichi's and softly brings it onto his cheek fully. and shuuichi spots something rare. something he's only seen twice.

kaito was crying. "kaito...i'm sorry...i'm so sorry..." the two sob together, holding onto each other tightly. "why...why did you do it...?" the astronaut whispers. "...i'm sick...of this killing game...i couldn't...handle it anymore..." instead of fighting back, kaito sighs, "i
know...i know..." he puts both his hands on shuuichis cheeks, "but listen. we are going to be okay, you hear me? we are going to be okay. cmon, we—" "we're gonna be okay..." shuuichi whimpers, grabbing onto kaito's jacket and sobbing. "there you go..." kaito hugs the detective tightly, which the said boy returns quickly. "i'm gonna keep you safe, shuuichi. look at the progress you've made. you're doing good. you'll be-" "i'll be okay..." shuuichi smiles. kaito smiles back, "you'll be okay."

"...i'll be...okay..." shuuichi whispers, staring at all the debris around the fallen spaceship and the body of the boy he loved.

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