A Soul For A Soul (Romanogers)

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This is the place. The place where she died for the stone. I look up. "Red Skull? What the hell?" Language, Rogers, I think.
"Come to give it back?" he sneers. "I will be gone, and she will take my place."
I freeze. She'll be alive. But she won't be free. "What do I have to do?"
"Simply drop the stone," he says. I look down. She is laying on the bloodstained rocks. Dead. I turn and climb down the mountain. I put the stone on the floor and look at her. There is a flash of light, and I am back at the top of the mountain. Red Skull is gone, and Nat stands in his place. "I'm not dressed like a dementor, am I?" she asks, laughing.
"Nope." I say. She touches my cheek.
"I wanted him to go back. It was my choice, Steve."
"Come with me," I say. "Come back with me."
"I can't. I know where you're going, and it isn't back to our timeline." She kisses me. We stand there, hugging, for a few minutes, until she pulls away and looks at me. "Go to her. I promise you, I will find a way off this planet."

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