When I'm Gone

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(This is what happens to Steve when he dies)
I wake up in a room that is all blue save for a few hints of red and white here and there. I stand up and realize that I woke up as my younger self. I walk out of the room, and see them all sitting there. Tony. Nat. Peggy, oh my god. Vision. Vision kneels beside a small pool of water, staring into its depths. "Hey, Capsicle," Tony says. He shakes my hand. "Long time no see."
Nat throws her arms around my neck. ( I know this is directly contradicting A Soul For A Soul)
"Oh my god. Oh my god." I hug her back. Peggy stares at me.
"Uh...um..." I'm at a loss for words. "Hi."
"Well, that was about as smooth as sandpaper," Tony snickers. Nat elbows him. Peggy looks up at me. I can feel the tears running down my face. Peggy throws her arms around me and kisses me. We break apart, and I walk over to Vision. He stares into that pool, and I can see Wanda. "Is that what's happening down there?" I ask.
"Yes. I just wish I could go down there and hold her close and tell her everything will be alright."
"Helen is doing everything she can to bring you two back together. I promise."
"Thank you, Captain."
I look at my friends. "Nate asks for you every day," I say to Nat. Her stony face softens.
"Tony, Morgan always talks about how when she grows up, she's going to be a member of the Young Avengers and her hero name will be Ironheart." Tony grins.
"Peggy, Sharon misses you so much."
"I know."
"Of course you do. Vision, Wanda cries for you in her sleep. She dreams of you. You'll be together soon."
Vision nods.
I look into the pool of water. Helen said Vision will be back in two days. At least one of us will get to go back.
Two days later (also sorry for the random perspective change)

Vision looks at his hands. He is fading. "Captain Rogers?"
The captain walks over to him. "You're going back," he says. Vision smiles, and fades away completely. He wakes in a strange room, and the first thing he sees is her. He stands up and walks to her. He pulls her into his arms, and she breaks down in tears.
"Do not cry. Everything will be alright. I love you, Wanda Maximoff."

Just hearing his voice makes her cry harder. "Let's give the lovebirds some alone time," she hears Helen whisper to Clint. Once they leave the room, she kisses Vision. When they separate, still holding on to each other, she whispers, "I love you more than life itself."

(A/N I just thought we needed some relief from the depression of Endgame. I hope it worked.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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