With You Again (Scarletvision)

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You guys knew this was coming. Another way Vision comes back.

(Wanda POV)
"I made a pit-stop in Wakanda to... find something," Carol says. I think I know what, or rather, who, that something is. "Is it him?" I ask.
"See for yourself."
I step into the room. Everyone else is already there. They part, and I see what is on the table. I can't stop the sob.
"Vis...no. No. No. No," I say. I look at his gray, lifeless body, and press a kiss to his lips. I can't take it anymore, and leave the room.

Three hours later

Shuri sits next to me. "I-I uploaded his conscience while I was separating the stone. I can fix him."
"How long will it take?" I ask.
"Two years, at most."
"Please, do it as fast as you can."

A year and a half later

I hear Clint. "Wands, come out. You really want to see this."
I race outside. It's him. Hovering twenty feet above my head. He's here. "Vis," I whisper. "Vis."

(Vision POV)
Red floats through the air, and it's something I've only seen once before. Wanda calls it Happy Magic. I dive down, scooping her up. "Why are you crying?" I ask.
"I'm crying because I never thought I'd be with you again," she says. I kiss her forehead.
We float back down, and Clint is death-staring me. Wanda shoves him. "Stop acting like my dad."
"Fine. But stop death-staring Vision."

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