That's The Gamora I Know (Starmora)

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After weeks of searching, he finally found her. The other Guardians heard a gasp and "Gamora!" Nebula ran over. "Please tell me she's alive."
Quill was speechless. Tears were forming in his eyes, and no matter how hard he tried to stop them, he couldn't. He had finally found Gamora.

They arrived at the planet. It was in ruins. "A war," Nebula whispered.
"Look!" Mantis pointed at a body lying among the rubble. she pressed a hand to Gamora's head. "She is alive. Wake." Gamora jumped up. Nebula hugged her, crying. Gamora hugged her back. Quill looked at her. "Who am I?" she asked.
"You are Gamora. You are Nebula's sister, and...and..." Quill struggled to finish.
"I hate you," Gamora blurted. "But I don't know why."
Quill walked away.

8 months later

Gamora grew to like Quill as she had before. One night, Quill spotted her nodding off while keeping the Benatar on the right track. "I'll take it from here," he said. Two hours later, she found him out cold. She pressed a light kiss to his forehead, and as she turned away, he grinned. "I knew you love me."
"More than anything, as I apparently said before. More than anything."
His smile grew wider. "That's the Gamora I know."

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