The Autumn Effect...

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"My Lady I insist! Please take a break! You've been walking for-!"

"Only ten minutes." Shin-Hye sighed irritatedly, "Please don't disturb me with such trivial matters."

"B-yes My Lady." The Maid bowed reluctantly. To hear is to obey.

"And pass on the order to everyone else." She added with a growing smile.

"Yes My Lady."

Finally, freedom! Like a caged bird she could finally get a small temporary taste of freedom.

"Soo..." Obito trailed off, "You're a princess huh..."

"Idiot." Kakashi mumbled as Rin giggled into her hands.

"Yes," Shin-Hye nodded kindly, "I am the Princess of the Land of Red Leaves." Taking a quiet breath she continued, "My last name in my native language is Danpung but when translated to yours it's...Momiji."

"Momiji...that's pretty." Rin smiled shyly.

"Thank you," Shin-Hye beamed, "Now I didn't quite hear your names...?"

"Oh I'm Nohora Rin." Rin greeted brightly.

"I'm Uchiha Obito and I'm going to to be Hokage!" Obito grinned proudly. It was his lifelong ambition!

"Hmph. Like that would ever happen." Scoffed Kakashi as he glanced towards Shin-Hye to see her reaction.


"No fighting. Especially in front of a client." Scolded Minato with a sigh, "I'm Namikaze Minato. It's an honour."

"A pleasure to meet all of you." Smiled Shin-Hye, "And you?" She glanced directly at Kakashi.

"Hatake Kakashi." He said simply as he pretended to not be interested at all.

The young princess nodded as she mentally noted to remember all their names.

"So if it isn't too much to ask may I inquire if the reasoning of your travels?" Minato asked Shin-Hye politely.

Shin-Hye's face fell slightly as though she swallowed something bitter.

The princess smiled sadly. "I was visiting my mother's grave. Although she was the queen of my nation it is tradition for all royal family members to be buried in a forest far away... that's one of the reason. The other reason is that my father sent a letter requesting I visit his own home land."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Minato apologized.

"It's alright." Shin-Hye said quietly, "My mother was an honourable woman."

"May I ask why your father asked to visit his homeland? Is he not the king?" Kakashi questioned.

"Well, my father was the second Prince of the Land of Fireflies. He married into our royal family." She explained, "his older brother is the current King of his homeland but they haven't spoken in awhile..."

"I see... so you're going to extend his greetings?" Rin asked.

"Something as such." She nodded. "That's why you were hired to help me."

"Wow that's cool!" Obito grinned.

Minato was about to ask his own question when he sensed another presence.

"Everyone get down!" He yelled as he tossed several of his hiraishin kunai around.

"MY LADY!!" Cried out the Head Maid.

"Please! Hide behind the palanquin! We the royal guard will protect you!" Declared the Head of Guard as he unsheathed his sword.

"And leave you all to suffer alone?! Never!" The young princess refused as several enemy ninja appeared around them.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖏𝖎Where stories live. Discover now