Rivers Flow to the Sea

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Minato was speechless. What was he supposed to say in this situation? He wasn't even sure if Kakashi was suffering from what he thought Kakashi was suffering from.

"Uh...is it bad?" Minato asked slowly.

Kakashi grimaced from underneath his mask. "It feels like...!" Kakashi struggled to find the words...Then he shook his head. "Its nothing." He dismissed.

Minato frowned. If Kakashi was suffering from what he suspected then...


It's probably nothing.


"Obito, I already told you." Frowned Shin-Hye as she slowed her pace, "I can't-!"

"You have to try!" He huffed determinedly, "you have to at least try for your people... you don't want to be remembered as the queen who didn't even try!"

Shin-Hye froze and stopped walking.

"This is your chance to prove your strength and will!" Continued Obito, "to protect your people... YOU CAN'T GIVE UP! The greatest sign of weakness someone can have is giving up."

A million thoughts whizzed through her mind before finally a tear slid down her cheek. A shaky sob slipped from her mouth.

His words hit her hard.

"I-I...I'm sorry..." she whispered as she desperately tried to hide her tears, "I'm so weak...it's pathetic...and I'm a coward...! I thought this was...!"

Obito flinched. This wasn't what he was  trying to accomplish. He flailed his arms frantically as he struggled to find his words.

He didn't mean to make her cry!

Rin smiled sheepishly as Minato nodded a sigh.

"Obito...you were great..." she smiled softly.

"He was."

But he doesn't know how to comfort her now... Minato thought with a sigh.

The young Hatake clenched his fists and grit his teeth as he slowly made his way towards them.

"I-I...I'm just so...s-scared...!" She sobbed shakily. Obito flinched at the tears and glanced at Rin desperately for help.

Kakashi approached the pair and ignored the painful throb of his heart when he passed Obito and walked straight to Shin-Hye.


He didn't know why he did it, but he did.

Kakashi embraced Shin-Hye and pulled her close.

"It's alright to be afraid." He told her as Obito gawked stupidly. "It's alright to have doubts...just remember that courage is the source of strength."

Shin-Hye said nothing as she stood there frozen in place. She found herself nodding numbly as she sunk into Kakashi's warm and comforting embrace.

Kakashi wasn't quite sure what possessed him to do it...but he was sure glad he did. Not that he'd admit it aloud.

"Thank you..." Shin-Hye murmured as she wiped her tears.

"Hm...it's fine." Kakashi shrugged coolly in an attempt to hide his growing blush.

Obito spluttered uncontrollably as he attempted to process what had just happened. But by the time he did, Kakashi and Shin-Hye were already ten meters ahead of him.

Rin had a defeated smile planted sadly on her face.

"I knew it..." she whispered softly as she glanced at the two.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖏𝖎Where stories live. Discover now