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I got into my car , with Jess on the passenger side and drove off to the school.  As soon as we left the path in which I drove quickly became enveloped with bush hiding the way to our home from any on wanted guest.

I really didn't want to go but I still did in a strange way. I looked to the side to see Jessica playing with a small knife in her hands and a small and dangerous smirk plastered on her face, I didn't have to read her mind to know what's going on up there in that crazy mind of hers

We were basically thinking the same thing and that was that this is gonna be  really fun and truthfully the word FUN and US should never be put together , why? well, the last time we said we were gonna have FUN we end up causing an earthquake and killed thousands of lives in a certain country  but the name and location is just for me and Jessica to know ...

Soon the ugly maroon and cream coloured building came into view and before you know it we were about to enter the gates, being the crazy asshole I am, there was a boy walking and I wasn't gonna slow down in fact I was planning on running him over haha haha haha!.

'please Let me take your soul you stupid human and waste of matter , let me devour you sweet and sinned soul and let me send it to the Depths of hell to burn and scream and be punished for all eternity'  I thought to myself quite evilly

I then pressed the gas pedal even more , letting the car gain on speed and zoomed  crossed where I almost killed the boy , ALMOST!!!! apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted him dead.

"Uhhhh,so fucking close! lucky bitch" Jessica screamed with her head out the window and her fist clenched shaking it violently at the now shocked looking idiot boy who also looked terrified as is his friends watching Jessica in horror that she was saying such things " we'll get you ,....That's a promise you little fuck....Your dead meat"

I just laughed at this really loud and evil like clearly showing my support for my bff .

I spotted a parking space , and added speed again, then drove off to the parking space people started to panic and run away, I started to drift the car in circles nearly hitting a lot of people student and staff.

People where screaming and me and Jessica were laughing like mad-men. The car came to a stop in the parking spot , we came out and there were gasp and we just smirked until a annoying ass voice spoke - no it screeched out.

" that's my parking stop who do you two think you are to come here and just take my spot like that!!!"

dear father what evil being owns that horrible screeching voice , is it a banshee. I got out of the car with Jessica coming around to meet me on my side I then  turn around to find this voice only to discover that it belongs to one of those caked face idiots who always go looking around for lust full actions , and yes I mean a whore but why is a whore doing in school they teach whore classes here ...hmmmm I guess evil is improving around now a days.

But then I thought again and just realise that she was just a slutty student and a werewolf at that. She was standing with a group of people who are as I can tell are 3 vampires and 4 werewolves ....what the fuck , clam down Lucy just breathe don't explode on their stupid asses.

I then realised I didn't answer the little mutt but I don't need to but I WANT TO!

" No , its my spot now and the next one to it belongs to Jessica now " I said then point to Jessica

Then Jessica spoke ..." Take my space And I will gut you , cut you into pieces and then I send your remains to your love ones!"

" haha haha haha haha ah, " I laughed evilly " And take mind And I'll take a spoon and scoop out your left eye and then make you eat it and then I'll burn you alive and piss on your burned body and package you body into little pieces and send it to the one who love you the most and have them eat you and they will never know untill they finish their last bits .......!!!!!!!!!!!!! am I clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They all whimpered

Then me and Jessica smirked our way into the school halls were more people werewolves, vampires humans and other supernatural were....

we went to the office and walked in to see a lady who might I add was wearing in approiate clothing for school , and a man talking OK well more like flirting with each other and they for sure didn't notice us ahhh the sin of lust  one o the seven deadly sins...that reminds me i gotta give lust and greed a call I missed the last one .. I looked carefully at the man he had a wedding ring on and by the smell of things he was a vamp, while she was werewolf OK that's it what the fuck is going on something out of balance.

I poked Jess's side and pointed to the mans finger she giggled and that caught the attention of the man and woman and they both look like a dare caught in headlights but they quickly cover up their shocked expressions with that of a cool nothing was going on in here look on their faces .

The lady then cleared her throat then said " hi I'm Ms. Nickola and what can I do for you ?"

I simply answered and said we are here for our first day here and want a map of the school since we already have every thing else.

She then got up and said be right back and that she needs to get it from the supply closet.

I slowly turned my head towards the man while Jessica was already looking at him , he looked uncomfortable but smiled and said

"Hi I'm Mr. Thomas...Physical education teacher or P.E for short " he chuckled a little but then seeing we were not laughing just staring at him then on que me and Jessica tilted our heads to the right and stared and unblinking stare at the teacher .

He looked more than just uncomfortable then Jessica broke the silence " does your wife know you like to commit adultery hmmm?"

Then i interjected "yeah does she know? does your wife know ? " I whispered the wife part

He looked shocked then I pointed to his ring on his finger then he quickly hid it behind his back .

The lady came back and gave us our maps and told us that our first class is in room 143 and our locker numbers and class schedules were there too but I already told her that we had everything but does she listen no....she was disobedient ...I'll take care of her later and that teacher to.

Jessica and I left the office and she then said to me " She was disobedient ,...what punishment are you gonna give her ?" I could clearly see that she wanted to deliver the punishment onto that lady so I'll let her.

" would you like to give her the punishment Jessica ? ..forget the question you give her the punishment you think she needs" Jessica smiled at this, I knew that would have made her happy.

then she looked down at the schedule and it said we have math together at first period but first we have to get to homeroom together which we are late for ...well this is the being of hell ....for this school that is. hahahaha

sorry i am so sorry

am starting to update more and ill update again tomorrow



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