Chapter 2 - Get To Know.

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Mia's POV:

"Girl, I am really surprised at your action to ignore all of Kevin's gesture. " Stacey, which is one of my member mate said while crossing her legs and checking her phone.

"Ya...that guy is a dream but he is chasing all for you. " Clara, my other member commented as she sat on the floor in side saddle and her eyes clearly showing affection for that guy.

"And ya, like he is only chasing me. " I sarcastically said while dribbling the basketball all way through the basket and I jumped to shoot my arms up as the ball get into the basket.

Now, we are three here practising at the basketball court for our upcoming game and I'm the center for the game. I am signatured as the professional and my looks yet wealth made me look popular but all that looks of mine and money wasn't from me. My parents should be the famous after all but they are, among their mates.

I hate dating a guy for nothing. You know, everything like a sort of game and like nothing concern them at all after that freaking word called break up. Its just two simple words, damn it but it decides their relationship. Like what the hell?

And that Kevin, he is total jerk and I hate him. His self esteem was in the peak as he thought himself like a king and all girls center attraction. Sadly, he became rejected after being the rejecter and all those credits goes to me because I'm the only girl which doesn't gave him a damn about anything.

My daze of thoughts came back automatically when the ball bounce out from the basket to the left side and flung to the door yet it suddenly banged open resulting the ball to hit the person straight at his face. My girls laughed hilariously as they evident the scene and I looked his way apologetically. His gaze was on the floor and without giving a minute he reached for the ball to roll it my way. Before I could say anything, he quickly turned around and exit the door.

I had never notice him around. Maybe wasn't my class but who is that guy?

I took the ball from the floor and make my way to my girls. They finally stopped their mocking laughs and turn their attention to me.

"Who is him? " I asked as I sat on the floor while wiping the dripping sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand.

"He is useless. Stop asking about him. " Clara snorted as she tied her pony tail in a bun.

"Why? " I questioned again making them to eye me in confusion.

"Girl, he isn't our type. He is far more different than us and weird. " Stacey said as she clicked her hand on the air to get my attention.

"He is a Brown after all. " Clara said as she laughed in unison with Stacey when mentioning that name.

"Brown?...what does that mean? " I asked as I adjusted my hair to not fall freely around me.

"You know the Brown Sisters which is our two or three years back. That guy was the brother of Brown Sisters. " Stacey explained as she stood om her place.

"Brown Sisters?...the two sisters which a big jerk around here? " I asked in curiosity as my eyes widen.

"Yeah, the one and only. " Clara clarified as she giggled for my reaction.

"You see now...his brother was all like opposite to them and he perfectly cornered from everyone. " Clara explained about him and I found myself jolting up to know more about him.

"Why though?...his sisters are like the eyes of everyone but he?...he was just quiet and-- "

"Boring. " Stacey cut me off and she laughed while giving a high five to Clara. They do sometimes get on my nerves.

"Come on, girls...stop acting all dramatic and that guy...wasn't that bad. " I pointed while I reached for my bag to leave ane I heard sounds of gasped behind me.

"What? " I questioned as a sudden irritation interrupted me when they laughed about him.

"Girl, calm down. " Stacey waved her hand on the air, knowing my sudden anger issue that couldn't be control sometimes and now by the time they mocked him badly, a so wired feeling erupted me.

"We all heard rumors about him being kicked out of his sisters from their father's house and he being abusively hurt by them too...he moves away from everything since high school started and everyone began to tease him. " Clara explained and I sympathise his life. Being with the jerk sisters and thrown away from home, isn't easy to tolerate in someone's life.

I felt hurt to know his story and even though the story mentioned as a rumor, I still wanted to believe. I don't know why but I do have that feeling to know about him more.

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