Chapter 5 - To Confess.

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Harry's kinda blur and full of insecurities lol

It's a short thingy here so please bear it.

Happy Reading!❤️

Mia's POV:

"Why? " he repeated again with his turn sad.

"Hey...I...just like you so I want to try this on you. " I stated and his eyes averted down. It was a prank so I has to lie at this but something in me really do like him. I don't know what kind of like but this is something odd. Maybe its a good odd.

" mean..." he trailed as he failed to form his sentence. He looked pale and his breath became shorten.

"You don't have to strain yourself, okay...we can get to know each know being friends and so on. " I explained and yeah, I could use that friendly relationship as the fake dating prank to my girls. Its not like they know that I'm just being a friend with him.

"I'm not taking a no, Harry. " I said in a harsh tone playfully as I smiled to him. His eyes meet me for some time and he nod. Playing with this coy guy was so fun and I loved it when his reactions time to time.

"Say it. " I ordered as he looked me in confusion.

"I need words not act so...say it that you are fine with what I said. " he frowned and the waitress serve us our order. He took a sip of the drink and gulped down the liquid with a sound.

"But what if anyo-- "

"You don't have to worry about anyone's reaction and you are going to be with me from now on so be yourself...I don't care about them and you shouldn't too. " I uttered and he looked me blankly. He is getting comfortable with me and it is clear when his eyes changes from terror to soften.

"I-I'm okay...I guess? " he agreed with still a question mark face and I flashed him a smile. He smile back at me and that was the gorgeous smile that I had ever seen.

Its the fifth day of our fake dating and we grown so close. He started to get comfortable around me and he took me as his friend. It really hard on the first two days for me to fit into his shoe but it became easy as he started to open up himself like I did.

Honestly, I like spending time with him and his smile made my day every time.

Today he is coming over my house and my best friends did believe our friendly togetherness as we are dating. They also told me that I had already acting like I'm really into him but who cares when I myself still finding an answer for that.

" have a guest. " my mother shouted from downstairs and ran down quickly. I glared him while sending my mom back to her work and drag him upstair to my room.

"Why can't you call? " I asked as I shut the door with a bang. I'm pissed right now because my mother might be thinking him as something that I don't want them to really imagine about it and I really hate it. He is far away as a guy to have like a night stand with because he is a milk and I don't really do night stands.

"I-I'm sorry. I just didn't have that in mind so I just came straight away and your parents were here. I don't know what to do so I asked for you..." he blabbered aimlessly while looking me apologetically and myself calmed down instantly as my hazel met his dark brown yet his blabber seems to be cute. Those eyes have that power on me to calm my anger and I feel relief about it. He did sometimes get into my nerves but his soothing eyes did make me cool all time.

Later that night, we had our talk about school and all then we finished our homework together. It was fun now for history because he is there with me and I didn't get any sleepy either.

"Can I ask you something, Mia? " Harry asked softly as he placed the journal that he is been examining for like an hour now.

"Yes, Harry. " I uttered with a smile while laying on my bed as he was going through my books beside me on my bed in a long distance between us. He was on the edge of the bed and its clear he is nervous to get in further beside me.

"Why are you being like this " he asked and I sat up as I heard him. I know that I can't hide it any longer and of course, he will be suspicious because before this I had never approach nor known this guy so it will be odd.

"Mia...I know there's something...we are five days together and I-I still have this question in mind. " he asked as he looked me for an answer. I took a sigh and told him the real truth behind my sudden approach to him. He looked pale and lost as he just lost something yet it stung my heart to see him like that.

"Harry, hey...I'm sorry okay...I wasn't agreeing for this thing at first too but they made me and yes, I chose you...because I wanted to know you...everytime when I spend my time with you, isn't an was the real me around you and thats why I need you to by me. I forget about this damn prank and all when your with me and played the real me...not the fake girl to date a guy. " I said softly and he looked relief. He nodded and I groaned. As he heard it, he looked up at me and I gave him 'what did you just do? ' look.

"Words, Harry. How many times did I have to tell you. " I sweetly yelled as I pinch his hand. He gave me his gorgeous smile and I return it.

I really wanted that smile every time.


"You are still fake dating him girl...your dare for the prank fake date is over girl and it like more than a month already...then why? " Stacey asked me through the phone as I was here on this small cafe waiting for my guy to finish his shift work.

Yes, he became my guy now and I confirmed it the day I kissed him. Unexpectedly, that day when we are at the library hanging out together while searching some books for him, I lean in to him and at first he looked taken back but when he realised that I wasn't joking, he lean in too. I grabbed the back of his neck and pull his head near while closing the gape between us to connect our lips. How long I had been waiting that lips to be kissed and I did it that day.

I kissed him with all my being and that moment I acknowledge something. A thing that I expected to be happen some time later but it happened that day and I felt it in all myself.

I'm falling for him and I felt like that he is the one. The someone that I wanted to spend my entire life with.

Do I sound so clingy? I don't care.

"Hey...are you there? " Stacey yelled through the phone.

"I fell for him for real. " I stated bluntly as I heard a gasp from the line. She must be gaping her mouth in a 'o' right now.

"Hey. " Harry approached me as he adjusted his shirt with that sexy dishevel hair and he blushed as he caught me staring him. I cut the call with Stacey and averted my attention to my lover boy.

"Hey. " I said sweetly while flashing my best smile.

"We are...urmm...still going? " he asked coyly.

"Ya...we are still going and we have lot of fun to do. " I stated as I winked at him. I didn't told him about my feelings yet and I'm sure that he might get a hint from my gestures around him.

I oftenly spent more time with him and I won't left him without a goodbye kiss on the lips. He took it well nowdays as he perfectly fit with me and he started to kiss me assuringly too. I felt joy inside knowing that my coy guy is growing feelings for me and I doubt that he will even propose me.

Ya, about that. I should think a way to confess my feelings.

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