Chapter 11 - Only Temporary.

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Double Update!

Mia's POV:

"Harry, we aren't going to see at school anymore, right. I feel sad...but I know that I would never stop seeing you even once a day. " I whispered as I nuzzled my nose in his neck. I kissed his neck briefly as I feel him sighing once again after another.

We are graduating soon and I couldn't wait to move in together with him.

I held him in place as his back hit the locker and I'm infront of him.

He kind of like shut off after this last two days. He is just missing me I guess, but why do he have to. He knew that I can't stop seeing him, right?

After being together like 9 months and 4 days right now, he should have understand that I would never leave his sight.

I even had planned for us to move in and to study together at the same place. I want to be around him.

Although, this silent side of him scared me and he is been acting weird since last two days.

He even doesn't spoke much and it increase my curiosity.

"Harry, what happen? If you do really think that I'm going to leave you after this then stop that right now. I'm not leaving you. " I warned as I hugged him tighter. He didn't hug me back and I felt offended. Now, I seriously need to know what happen with him.

I feel him untangling me gently from him and he hold me in place. He stared me deeply and for once, I thought that he was going to do the thing that I had waited for him to do since at first. To kiss me. But, he never did lean in and he looked so vulnerable as his eyes turned down in worry.

I brought my hand up from his hold and cupper his face firmly between them. He doesn't barge nor stiff as usual but stayed quietly in place.

Without any second, I captured his lips with mine as I savoured his lips. Just the perfect fit for me. I traveled my arms around his neck and his arms went around me automatically as he hold me in place. I savaged his lips with mine and he did the best thing that usually will I do. He bit on my lower lip and pulled it briefly into his lips. He kissed me hungrily that day for the very first time and I felt odd yet pleasure ran through my system.

Yet, then something that I didn't expect happened. After we pulled away, he free himself from him and looked me in teary eyes.

"Harr-- "

"Mia. " he said in between sobbing and he wiped his tears rapidly on the back of his palm.

"I-I don't want y-you. " he said as he let out a yelp of cry.

"You w-wouldn't be my anything. J-just leave me a-alone after this. " he finished and clutched his bag around his shoulder then walked away.

What just happened? Why am I feeling my cheeks getting wet now?

This wasn't what I expected to happen.

How can he feel this way? Did he really feel this after everything that we had gone through?

Did he pretend to be nice all this days? Doesn't any single bit of our moments or memories bothered him?

How can he?

I ran after him to stop him right there. To acknowledge the really thing behind his confession and to know my awaited answer.

"Harry, wait up. " I yelled as I saw him exiting the main door. I quickly ran to him and blocked his way.

"Please, Mia. Things won't work between us. " he spoke as he is still weeping. I pulled him to the empty corridor on the side of the main entrance.

I pushed him to the pillar behind us and blocked him with my hands resting on either each side of his abdomen.

"Explain me. Why? " I questioned as I glared him. Anger woke me up quickly yet I controlled it to not scare him away. He won't even tell me the truth if I show him any flick of my anger.

Again silence as his breathing became heavy.

"I questioned you, Harry. You know I hate when you stay quiet for long. " I groaned as I felt him stiffen on the spot.

"M-Mi-- " I cut him off.

"Haven't you told me that I'm the happiest thing that ever happen in your life? We have the best prom night, ever. Then, why? Why are you distancing us? " I questioned and by now I couldn't control the tears from ascending. Tears in the mix of anger and sadness welled up my eyes as I looked him blankly.

"W-We wasn't meant to be, Mia. I'm not good for you. Y-You won't realise this now but later one day you will. Then, you will regret to stay with someone lik--. " he explained and I stopped him midway.

"Stop many times do I have to explain you. You are the only thing that I will never regret about even if I hate the whole universe, I would never hate you. Why can't you understand this? " I cried out as I slammed my hand on his chest. He grabbed it firmly and kissed both my knuckles.

Why are you even doing this?

"I-I don't know, Mia. I just...don't know why am I like this? I just knew that we weren't meant to be or even clearly, I wasn't meant for you. I don't deserve you, Mia. " he said in a sad tone as he cupped my face and wiped the tears away.

I took hold his hands on my face and shoved it off.

"You are saying that we weren't meant to be? Well, you are one who born for me and I'm the one for you. You should knew this. " I spat out in anger as I felt my temperature raising.

"Fine, if you really hadn't put a faith on us then let's do something that can prove the 'us'. " I said as I wiped my tears away vigorously. I'm determine to prove this to him and I want him to fully trust on us.

I need to do this, even if I felt my heart throbbing for such idea.

"You and me aren't going to see anymore. Since today is the last day of our school then this is our last day of seeing each other too. I'm not saying that we won't be seeing each other forever prove that we were meant to be together until we met again coincidentally without trying to find each other. I don't want you to learn or find me about anything and I won't either. If we really doesn't meet each other again then, whatever you said were truth but...if I saw you once, even once after this...I would make you mine forever. " I finished my speech as I let him go and I turned my back on him. He looked me in shock yet I ignored it.

This is the only way to fool his mind. To make him realise the thing between us. To prove my love for him.

I stopped myself in the midway and did the final thing that I wanted to do since we aren't seeing anymore.

I don't know when we will be seeing again after this but I had a feeling that I have to do this now or never again.

I stepped closer to him and took his collar shirt on my hands yet pulled him rapidly to connect our lips. I kissed him roughly yet hungrily as he did before and I just realise the reason behind that kiss of his. I took his lower lips on mine now and bite it firmly to make him to open his mouth for me to roam in.

I was very sure that his lips might be swollen and red by now as I feast on them. I poured all my emotions in them and kissed him like there's no tomorrow. I pulled away as I felt his breathing quicken, he looked me with something that I had never seen before and all I could do is to glare.

"Just remember that I love you. Always. " With that I walked away and got out of the school's building. Well, yeah I'm skipping my final day of school and I doesn't care anymore.

I had just gave up on something that matter the most for me. Well, temporarily and there's nothing to care now.

So I guess, I already have something to miss for after graduation now.

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