Chapter 10: Planning

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The next morning James almost had a heart attack when he woke up in the strange bed. Then he remembered all that had happened. Angel Stark, the Avengers, and mostly Rosabella.

He felt something weird around her. Like he wanted to trust her, but couldn't. Something stopped him, a gut feeling maybe. He sat up and looked around the plain room. It had dark grey walls and a dark wood bed and dresser. He rubbed his eyes and walked to the small adjoining bathroom, silently thanking the person who had stocked it.

He brushed his teeth and looked at his hair, which stuck up in all directions. He sighed and decided to go with it. Then he grabbed his phone to check for messages and noticed it was dead. Great, he thought.

Finally he walked out and followed the directions that Clint had given him the night before. A few wrong turns later, he finally found the main seating room. Throughout the room sat multiple groups of Avengers, each doing different things. He walked slowly, looking at every person and analyzing what every person did. Steve was reading a newspaper, Clint sat with a buff blonde guy and talked about poptarts, Tony and Angel sat at a table speaking about some complicated math equation, and Natasha sat with Rose while conversing in a foreign language that sounded like Russian.

Just when James wanted to give up on a place to sit he noticed the blonde guy from last night sitting alone. James walked up and sat down quickly, looking at the guy. James held his hand out, "James Taylor."

Jason looked up, a little surprised to see the man sitting next to him. After a few seconds of looking at him Jason finally shook his hand. "Jason Stark. Don't call me by my last name though."

James laughed, happy to notice that the new Stark was kinder than the others, so far. "So, why are you sitting alone?" James asked.

Jason looked up, slightly surprised at the sudden question. "Well, I don't speak Russian, hate math, and don't like poptarts."

James nodded his head, chuckling slightly. "Sounds fair, do you know when that meeting they were talking about is?" he said.

"In half an hour, I think." Then he looked at the watch again, muttering a few swear words. He stood up quickly. "Nice meeting you, but I'm really late for a phone call."

James furrowed his eye brows and looked across the table at the empty seat. Why are all the Starks so weird, he thought? His voice got shut out by Rose getting up from her seat and walking towards him. She was wearing a pair of short spandex and a baggy white t-shirt.

"Good morning James. How did you sleep?" she said smoothly.

James shifted his weight slightly, feeling awkward under the girls amber gaze. She was so calm and unreadable, and it annoyed him slightly. He was a cop, and he was good at reading people. But for some reason this girl was different, like she always had another surprise up her sleeve.

"I'm good thank you," he said politely. He looked down at the polished black to of the table.

"The meeting is starting in half an hour, so I thought you might want me to tell you what to expect," she said calmly.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be okay, as long as it's not in Russian."

Rose laughed softly, a cold sound that never reached her eyes. "It won't be. Natasha and I just do it so people won't listen in."

James nodded his head slightly, then smirked. "Thanks for thinking of me, but I'll be fine. I'm an FBI agent trained for dealing with things like superheroes."

She nodded slightly. "Okay, I'll see you in a little bit then." She stood up slightly and walked away slowly. When James turned again he noticed Angel staring at Rose but she quickly turned away, getting back into a conversation with her dad. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but dismissed anything he was thinking. It was just a trick of the light, he tried to tell himself. But he knew something was there, Angel was thinking about Rose, and he imagined it wasn't good.

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