Chapter 3: I'll Win! {Leif}

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{Your P.O.V}

"I'll take Leif with me" I say

Leif just chuckles, he has a mischievous smirk on his face.

"You guys should hide your horns now, I don't know when people are going to walk by here" Ava mentions

The Daemos use some of their magic to hide their horns except Noi, Pierce helped him hide his horns. I'm guessing Noi doesn't have magic...?

Ava takes the other Daemos to the other side of the park and me and Leif walk beside eachother.

"So Leif, where do you want to go first? You want to win some carnival games, maybe you want to go on a few rides? or maybe you want to go get some food first?" I listed off the possibilities

"What type of games? Are there stabbing ones?" Leif questioned with a smirk

"I'm not too sure.... We have shooting games" I said thinking out loud

"Is shooting a form of murder?" Leif asked

"You get to shoot your gun at something and it knocks it down, I guess it's kinda like murder?" I state

"Close enough, let's go!" Leif said as he took my hand into his

So straight forward....

"I'll lead the way, make sure you don't let lost" I stated with a small smile

We walk towards the carnival games and I tried to look around for some shooting games.
I spotted one, it was a shoot the duck game.

I lead Leif towards the game and he just stood there in confusion.

"This is the game?" Leif said unimpressed

"These games are made for kids and people who just want to have fun. You get a prize at the end if you hit enough ducks" I explained

"This game is too childish" Leif stated, he began walking away

Oh no you don't!

"What? Do you think you'll loose?!" I shouted

Leif stopped in his place, he then turns around raising an eyebrow smirking.

"Hey! If your going to be like that, then i'll just have to beat you at this game!" Leif stated walking back towards me with cockiness in his voice 

"Let's just see" I muttered

I turn to the booth girl and she just looked a little intimidated.

"Can we have a 1 on 1 game, i'll pay extra" I say

The booth lady just nodded and I pay her extra.
Me and Leif get to our own guns and we get ready to play.






The ducks come popping out of no where and we began shooting as many as possible.
I have to say, Leif was actually good at this game. But we where evenly matched, this isn't good...

The time was running out, we only had 10 seconds left.
I'm not going to loose to him! Not yet!

"Hey Y/N..." Leif whispered

"What?" I say shooting more ducks

"You're really beautiful, you know that?~" Leif said seductively 

I stopped for a moment to process what Leif said.
Beautiful?.... What?

The time was now up, I look to the score.
59 - 62.

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