Chapter 15: Meeting The King Of Daemos

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{Your P.O.V}

We made our way through the corridors and we finally made it to our destination.

The room, like everything else in the castle, was dimly lit. It wasn't like that magic portal castle we have at Ava's, this is more dark, something you would see a villains lair have... But the portal one was so bright and colorful, decorated in red and gold, along with quartz.

At the end of the hallway there was a throne and sitting on the throne, was a dark silhouette. I guess that is the king?

We made our way and after walking a few steps, we found ourselves in front of the king.

Everyone kneaded on the ground to the king except for me and Asch.

"So you finally have returned Asch" The king growled in a gravelly voice

Holy- Why is all the people I am meeting have such gravelly voices?! Does everyone on Daemos have a gravelly voice!?! Are the Daemos hiding their gravelly voices with magic!? Wait, no. I wold of sensed it.

"Y-yeah, I have" Asch said

"What took you so long!? To think my son is so small minded to forget who he is..." He growled in his gravelly voice

What is wrong with this guy?! Wait- I shouldn't get so angry, Daemos is different than Earth.

"And who is this!?" He yelled, glaring daggers into me

Oh god, he kinda reminds me of a more angry version on my father.

"She's-" Asch got cut off by me

"-I am Princess Y/N. Air to the throne of a kingdom far away from this castle. I met Asch and his knights when they were on their journey and they helped me out. So, I came to replay them, anything they wished for" I said

Everyone stared at me a little panicked, was that the wrong thing to say?

"You should not be here Princess..! And what do you mean anything they wished for?!" The king shouted

"I am a powerful Daemos, I can't run out of magic. So, they asked for me to come back to their kingdom to transfer my magic" I said

The king's head turned to Asch, he looked terrified.

"Asch, does this female Daemos possess a lot of magic?" The king asked Asch

"....Yes, a lot of it. She is quite powerful" Asch replied

"...You might not have to face your destiny, but I would like to get the magic transferred as soon as possible" The king stated

"We can wait a few more moons, Princess Y/N just got here and she is... tired" Asch said

"Ugh.... Very well. Now, I would like to talk with Princess Y/N alone. You all will leave" The king stated

"F-father I-!" Asch said

"Silence. You will do ask I command, I am the king of Daemos. Now leave" The king said

The Daemos stared at me, eyes full of worry. I turn to them.

"Everything will be fine, you all can wait outside for me if that makes you feel better" I said

They nod and they leave the throne room, leaving me and the king of Daemos alone.

"What kingdom are you from?" He asked

"It's a kingdom far away from here, you wouldn't know" I explained

"Do you really possess powerful magic?" He asked annoyed

"Yes. My family has a lot of power in my realm, not to mention my kingdom has millions, even billions of humans" I said

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