Chapter 6: How About A Vacation?

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Disclaimer: I own none of the art and photos in this chapter. The only things I drew were the clothes.
Anyways, enjoy the rest of the story!

{Your P.O.V}
(2 weeks later)

"How about we go on vacation for a little bit?" I suggest

"Huh? Why?!" Ava questioned

"Well, we have been encountering a lot of my family's bodyguards lately, so I just think we should take the time to relax and have a bit of a breather" I explained

"It makes sense but...." Ava muttered

She then looks over at the Daemos in the corner talking to one another.

"Your worried that they might do something?" I comment

Ava nodded.

"Well then, i'll just go ahead and buy a beach off so we all can have a private vacation" I say

"H-huh?! But wouldn't you get found out?" Ava stammers

"I'll put it under my father's name" I state

"Wouldn't he notice?"Ava asked

"He has too much money to notice anything missing and he has the company to worry about, I think his assistant might look it over... But if they do find us then I can always teleport us all away" I explained

"Ok..."Ava murmured

"Well, go ahead and get packed. I'll rent out a private beach and we can have our private vacation tomorrow" I said

"T-tomorrow?!" Ava raises her voice a little surprised

Her change of voice made the Daemos look over. Well, they have to find out at some point, they are coming with us after all...

"But they don't have any other clothes...!" Ava panics a little

"Don't worry, i'll buy them clothes. Just worry about yourself for now" I state

I then walk over to the Daemos, they where a little confused.

"Hey Daemos, we're heading out for a vacation tomorrow, better get changed and get prepared" I stated

"What's a vacation?" Noi questioned

"Oh my---!... It's where humans take the time to relax from their stress" I explain

"And we are going tomorrow?" Rhys comments

"Yep, just make sure you all change into your human clothes tomorrow and we can head out. I can always buy you guys new clothes to wear once we get there" I state

"What if we say n---" I cut off Asch

"Prince Asch, you have no choice in the matter" I say glaring at him a little

Asch just scoffed at my reply.

"Welp, i'm going to go set up our renovations" I say walking away from everyone

Should I try transforming into my father...?Eh-- no....
I forgot I can only transform into females.

Maybe I can sign under my fathers name, but I can go as my mother in his place...?

I'm just trying to think of my options.... They will have to believe me if I pay them the money up front. But I would have to act like how my mother would usually act on TV.
Happy and Bubbly.

Either way, I will have to transform into my mother.... Then I have to explain why my father isn't there... Then I have to add on that another guest is coming.

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