Chapter 5: Helping Hand

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{Jumin's (Your Father) P.O.V}

Today's meeting is more boring than usual....
They are just updating me on the politics with the campaign, along with some financial orders... Not useful.

A sudden knock is heard by the door entrance before someone walks into the room, my assistant.

"Mr. L/N, We have a update on your daughter" My assistant states

I then excuse myself from the meeting and my assistant gave me the update in details.

"Your daughter has not been found yet sir" My assistant stated

My expression changed to a snarl.

"....But a few of Mrs. Y/N's bodyguards encountered her... Or someone like her yesterday afternoon" My assistant explained

"Someone like my daughter?" I murmured

My assistant nodded.

"Apparently she started running away after refusing the bodyguards commands, but once she ran into a alley way.... She had disappeared" My assistant explains

"No trace of the girl?" I questioned

"No sir, she just vanished. It was a dead end alley way as well, so it would have been impossible" She states

"I see..." I mumbled

It could be Y/N... But there is a chance it could be someone else with magic like Y/N...
Why does this have to be so complicated..?

"Do you think that girl is still in town?" I question

"It's likely, the bodyguards did say that she was carrying a large amount of food, more than she would need. She could be staying with someone" My assistant commented

"Then get all bodyguards to check every house in this city" I state in a annoyed tone

I begin walking back to the meeting.
My assistant hurried over to me.

"Mr. L/N, are you certain?!" My assistant questioned unsure

"I'm certain, if my daughter or another magics user is in the city still.... We can find them and take them back to the offices. That way we can still go onward to my goal" I murmured

"O-Of course sir!" My assistant stuttered as she began to walk away from me

Y/N... I know that's you.
You can only do the impossible, my daughter, my power.... You won't get away from me that easily...

(Time skip: Back At The L/N House)

I open my bedroom door and I see my life sitting on the bed, her eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Hubby!~ Your finally back!~" She jumps onto my wrapping her arms around my neck

"Have you been waiting long?" I question

"It's been a few hours, I got board quickly..." My wife pouts

I nodded and I walk towards the desk and began working on some things for the company.

"Your already going back to work? What about spending time with me?~" She purred

"I have to keep up with the campaign Darling, I can not get side tracked" I murmured

"Please....? I am your wife after all" She says sadly

I sigh, I have to constraint on work... But I also have my wife being needy...

 "After I am done with work we can spend time together for a while" I respond

She perks up and began giggling.

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