Chapter 12: Whatever It Takes...

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You decide to go out, mainly because your father wasn't looking for you anymore.
He's bankrupt! He can't do anything!

Roaming the streets of the city, you... notice something, or rather... some people...

Two guys stripped down to their underwear were running across the city streets in fear...?
Does that kind of thing happen often? It's only been a month since I was with Ava and the Daemos, so I wouldn't really know...

I decided to go back the Ava's apartment though.

Once I got back, I saw the Daemos, well, almost all the Daemos, Rhys was cooking some spaghetti for Ava.

"Rhys! The shows about to start!" I hear Leif yell

Rhys excused himself from Ava and headed over to the couch.
I walked over to Ava, she was eating Rhys's spaghetti.

"Is he that good at cooking?" I asked, leaning against the counter

Ava laughs a bit.

"Y-yeah" Ava stuttered

I smiled.

"So, were have you been all morning?" Ava asks me"

"I was wondering around, you know, I saw the most weirdest thing when I was out there" I said

"Huh? What did you see?" Ava asks

"There were these guys that were fearful for some reason, running across the streets almost completely naked... Is that normal in this part of the city?" I say

"Uhh.... Not from what I have experienced..." Ava replied to me, finishing her spaghetti

"Wow, I really was hungry..." Ava muttered

"Well, breakfast is the most important meal of the day" I say

Ava snickers at my comment.

"Anyways, i'll be taking out the trash today, i'll be back" Ava said

"Ok" I respond

Ava leaves her apartment and I sit down on one of the stools.

Hmmm... Hmmmm.. Hmmm.. Hmmm... Hmm....
I hum to myself.

What a peaceful and beautiful day it is today.... Nothing can go wrong.
It's been about 10 minutes, why isn't Ava back yet?

I get up from the stool and begin to walk to her front door, but once I got there, Ava was there!... But with a guy I have never seen before....
He had quite long black hair, not as long as Pierce's, but it was still quite long... He had a beautiful shade of green in his eye, but his other eye was closed due to a scar... How strange.

"Who's this guy Ava?" I ask

"Oh, his name is Zex, he was lost and I was just going to give him my phone for him to call someone, or maybe just give him directions..." Ava explained

I stared at the guy, he felt off.... His aura feels.... tainted, bad.

"Yeah...." Zex replied in a gravely voice

Holy hell- his voice! It's so gravely.... He reminds me of Mysterion from South Park.... But without the hood.

"....Well, it's nice to meet you Zex" I responded, more with suspicion than anything

I see Zex's eye widen, what's he thinking..?

"Well, come on in Zex, you can wait in the kitchen with Y/N while I get my phone" Ava says

She then leaves, I lead Zex to the kitchen and when he sees the Daemos, he looked shocked.

"Don't worry, we were testing out costumes..." I reply

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