Chapter 9: Thank You... 😊

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{Your P.O.V} (A week later)

After we get back from the vacation, I was happier.
The time I spent with everyone...! It was all so enjoyable!

And guess what!? It's October! So soon it will be Halloween!
You know, it's a pretty good holiday, other than dressing up and getting candy... I loved the spooky vibes I get from the holiday! Though, most horror movies aren't really scary for me anymore.

I notice Ava putting up Halloween decorations. The other Daemos look confused, but I didn't feel bothered to explain to them today.
Unless they ask of course. 

"What is Princess Ava doing?" Rhys asked

Here we go.

"I don't know, Princess Y/N? What is Princess Ava doing?" Noi asked

"It's October, so people are getting ready for the Halloween season" I explained

"What's this.... Hollow-een you speak of?" Asch questioned

"Halloween is when humans all alike make things... spooky. Sometimes they dress up as different creatures or people, other times humans go trick or treating to get this sweet treats called candy. I like this holiday, but I prefer Christmas or birthday's" I explained

The Daemos's looked interested.

"I guess you all don't have holidays to celebrate?" I mutter

"We celebrate the vanquishing of our enemies" Leif said

"...Uhh. Not like that, that's just murder. And it's very bad thing to do here on Earth, you could go to prison" I said

"What's Prison?" Pierce asked

"Well.... It's a place for bad people. Killers... (Other illegal things that I don't wanna bring up) Go to and get locked up for a long time" I explained

"Ohh... So you mean like a dungeon?" Leif asked

"...Pretty much" Were the only words that left my mouth

They really are curious about the human race.... Aren't they?

While I was thinking about things, I noticed Asch near Ava.
Everyone was trying to get Ava's attention, but she had her Air Pods in....

Suddenly, Ava falls backwards.

"Princess Ava!" The Daemos shouted

"Oh shoot! Ava!" I yelled

But thankfully, Pierce was there to catch her.

"U-uh... Thanks Pierce" Ava replied

Pierce sets Ava down.

"You like decorating for the season?" I asked

Ava nodded.

"Halloween is my favorite holiday! It get's me pumped up and I can truly be myself when it's this holiday" Ava said

I giggled.

Ava and the Daemos started talking, I just decided to stay quite. I'm just pulling a Pierce at this point.
You know, I don't even know why i'm tuning them out....
I want to clear my head, maybe even go somewhere else for the mean time...?

I teleported away, to a place I never thought I would to go back to.


I scanned my room, it was still the same as it was.
My plain white single bed, my plain walls, my wooden floor.
Everything was the same.

Now to think of it, my father didn't really allow me to have other hobby's besides cooking and cleaning. I was mostly used for processing electronics after all...

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