Blood Boil

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You thought there weren't gonna be any villains? Well there is. Isaac is the leader for the league of villains. Jialin is the leader of the vanguard action squad. A inferior version of the league basically. *Just Enjoy*

Isaac had been planning to kill All Might because he had been stopping all crime and he wanted to make the world his own. He decided to attack the school while training. Isaac's quirk is blood boil. He can make anyone's blood boil to the point where they start screaming in pain. Kinda like the crucio spell. Anyways, as Isaac was gathering his team, Jialin used his quirk Photon. Photon basically has him shoot photon blasts and he can also teleport people to places. While the kids were training that's when they came. All students were afraid but determined to fight. While Ryan, Joey, and Andrew were fighting one part of the arena many more students kept fighting along. That is until Ryan had to carry his teacher to safety after him being knocked out. Joey used rain dancer to enhance his speed to carry our teacher back to the school. After doing so he came back with the rest of the teachers including All Might! Snipe had an idea of taking care of long range while Vlad took care of close range creatures such as the Nomu by trapping them. After the fight the villains had left and Ryan was carried to the nurse because he broke his arms... After being healed there wasn't gonna be school for a while so they just hung out in their dorms. After hours of training Ryan then realized he had another quirk! 

He finally activated it now he had One For All and Hellflame. He could make a spider web flame to trap enemies and do immense damage. After placing the web he can shoot a smash wave to knock them back just to capture them in mid air with another web. After he told All Might, he didn't even get mad. He felt proud and he told him to train harder if he wanted to COMBINE the move. After another 10 months he was able to make a fire tornado. He punched the ground to make a tornado and used a web to stick them in there while shooting a fire blast inside trapping them. The fire wasn't strong enough to kill but was enough to knock out. Now he could really prepare for villain attacks, he also controlled the ability to not break his bones. Jessily had improved a lot. Not only she could breath something flammable she could now produce electricity. She made a special move called "Electrifying Breath" A combo of Fire and Electricity. Andrew had gotten super speed and Frostbite. He can make people really cold. Samantha finally obtained the ability to make her special move "Stunning Scream" She makes a very high pitch sound and she shoots photon blasts at her opponent to the point where they get knocked out. Rachel had gotten better as well. She obtained another ability to control gravity. She could lift someone up and start crushing them until all their bones snap. (Don't mess with her).  After a while the students got bored of sitting around...

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