Forest Attack.

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As the students were about to conclude dinner they heard a big BANG in the forest. After everybody got into their hero uniforms they went outside only to see their camp on fire. There were multiple villains before us. One of the students were missing so Ryan went to go find them. After hours of running he finally found Andrew. After that a villain appeared and slammed Ryan on the wall. There was blood running down his face and arms. He decided to use a move on the villain. He suddenly shouted "detroit smash" that barely did anything but leave a tiny scar. He then tried a "delaware smash" it left a bigger mark but before preparing another smash, the villain brutally slammed Ryan on the floor and wall causing him to bleed even more, as he was about to kill Ryan, Andrew kicked the villain giving Ryan time to prepare his smash. In his mind he said "Delaware Detroit Smash" and knocked out the villain. After doing so he brought Andrew back to camp. Just to encounter more villains. Ryan had to use his tornado to fly and use his fire as little jet boosters. After arriving to camp he left Andrew with the teacher and went off to fight more villains even though he broke all his god damn bones. After defeating more villains he was shocked to find out they were clones. When going to check on Andrew he saw a villain holding Andrew captive, then disappearing later keeping him. Luckily, a student put a tracker on one of their Nomus and later on the police gathered all the top 100 heroes to fight. Including Fire Clan and the rest of the school.

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